Friday, February 1, 2008

Something's gotta go.

Every morning for the last who knows how long I have been a faithful runner. I started last summer with some girls in my neighborhood, which make it way more entertaining. In fact it is way fun! (Music on the Ipod only keeps me entertained for so long.) But what is wrong with me? We are exercising for an hour to an hour and a half every single morning. I CAN'T LOSE weight. It's pretty depressing.
So I got this bright idea 3 days ago from another friend to quit drinking Diet coke. Yes that's best friend aka DIET COKE. I fell for it and I have been off Diet Coke for 3 days. I have had no energy and a splitting headache. Oh and even better...this "friend" told me to quit eating carbs too. So on top of all of this I am STARVING! No loss of weight, but I did lose my personality and my favorite drink (Oh and my husband almost hates me). I don't think I can look at a piece of meat again without wanting to throw up in my mouth. I am letting you know this in advance....DON'T try the diet, it just makes you miserable. But I am going to see if I can stay off Diet Coke for a little longer and only drink it a occasionally or something.
Oh notice how dark it is behind us (because it's so dang early)...and Katie..the roads are not plowed. Wow we are troopers for sure!


Cyndy Mikesell said...

Wow off Diet Coke! I have tried and have done well for a while but then I cave again. As far as carbs, can't and won't give them up. And why are you dieting?? My skinny tall beautiful daughter in law?? You need to watch the show "Looking good Naked" You look amazing!! No need to diet. And besides if you diet then there will be nothing left of you. You look GREAT I would die for your figure.(well maybe not die) But WOW if I could look like you I would be in heaven. You look GREAT!! Just keep exercising and have fun!! I wish I could run with you but my old knees won't allow it.
Love Ya you skinny little thing.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Sorry to comment twice but after some thought I am bringing you up some rice crispy treats and diet coke.
See you in the morning. You deserve it, three days is way to long to live without your best friend. You will need all your energy for your up coming trip!! BE HAPPY!!

The Bullocks said...

Amen, I hate diets. it's true, you lose your personality when you don't get to eat what you want. food is just such a good friend of mine. good for you for going off diet coke. I've tried to start doing caffeine free, I wish that I didn't know it was caffeine free than it would probably trick me and I would think it was giving me energy.
P.s. another one of my friends was looking at you blog and told me how cute and skinny you look. she told me you were her inspiration because she has a thyroid problem, and I told her so did you. maybe you can't lose weight because you just don't have any to lose. you look great. good job on the running, I've got to get some motivation. sorry about the non-plowed roads, I still bet I got you beat in Spokane. love ya

The Lind's said...

1st off you don't need to loose any weight! You look amazing! I have no chance of snow, and still I can't get my lazy butt up that early...let alone go running...and in the snow. I wish I had that in me. Way to go! Do you remember running down the court in 9th grade basketball? or me attempting to run around the track in HS? I still run like that! Dang it! I am totally impressed as I sit her on my bum drinking my diet coke!!:) Good job Betsy!

kassie said...

Wendys would miss me way to much. There is no way I could stop drinking diet coke. I go get a diet coke every night and put it in the fridge and save it for morning. I love waking up to a wendys DC and I don't even have to go out in the cold frozen morning.
I know why your not loosing weight! your body is telling you that you are at the perfect weight and there is know more to loose. You really do look amazing!!!

kassie said...

OK I know I spelled lose wrong I was just doing it for katie J/k I didn't read it before I posted it.

Di said...

Betsy you've always been a good runner. I remember you being so dedicated in high school and you haven't stopped. Good for you... no wonder you look so great! I'm lucky if I make it to an aerobics class once a week. However, I only drink soda on special occasions so at least I have that going for me. I've never really been on a diet so I don't how you are feeling, but good luck!

Clements Family said...

Totally impressed that you tried it...but I would say, there are some things that are not worth giving up! Especially if giving them up makes you miserable. Besides look great.

510Jen said...

Betsy first off you don't need to lose weight. Second so proud of you and your dedication to running. I love diet coke too but I only get it when I eat Mexican food and I NEVER buy it or else I would drink it. Good luck with the no carbs diet I give it to you. I would just moderate and not go crazy and for heavens sake stay married. Good your gorgeous just the way you are.

McInnes Family said...

Okay, reading your blog made me feel so guilty for drinking diet coke. I'm actually drinking one right now!! I always think I should stop drinking them, but I can't. I don't know how you have the will power. You will have to keep me posted on how it's going. Maybe you will be my inspiration to stop drinking it too. Definitely if it helps you loose weight. That would be enough motivation for me!! But you really don't need to loose any weight anyways. You look awesome. I really don't know how you guys brave the cold mornings everyday. I wish I could be that dedicated. Maybe that's why I'll never loose any weight :)


Good job on the running! I am so impressed especially in this weather. I think you look great and you definately don't need a diet. I think when you become a mom diet coke is a must. It gets you through the day and if it helps then I think it's great. I think it must have something to do with mom hormonal genes.