Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Alyssa's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Alyssa!!! Today we celebrated Alyssa's birthday. Her birthday is on November 8th (tomorrow) but we had her party today because tomorrow we have our ward primary program practice. I am the chorister, so I have to be there. We had a Princess Party. I did all of the girls hair and make-up, my sister in law Kassie painted their fingernails, and my mother in law got crowns for all of the girls to decorate. Thanks to my in laws the party was a success. Alyssa had a great time.


The Hulls said...

Happy Birthday Alyssa!!!! We love you and wish we could be there with you!


Hey Besty I got your blog from Katies I hope you don't mind. It looks like you have so much fun at Alyssas party! I bet the girls loved you doing their hair. That is so funny about your boys. Or I guess I sould say it will be funny one day. Good thing they are so cute! Hope you are doing well.
Love ya

The Lind's said...

Happy Birthday Alyssa! It looks like a fun party! You know what it reminds me of? Your (I think) 15th birthday party. When Missy did all our hair and make up and had a photo shoot! Then I think it was Matt who came dressed up as Santa, and then Gentry and all his friends came over! You sure have great parties!! Those were some fun times!