Friday, November 16, 2007

I have been tagged!

So I have now been tagged by Jennifer, Diana and Trista. Basically they all are the same...I have to say 6 things about myself. So here it goes.

1. This stresses me out thinking of things to write.

2. I am totally up to date on scrap booking, but my pages are not cute. It makes me sweat just thinking of something crafty and cute...way too much stress. I crop the pictures and write little stories underneath. That's as good as it gets with me.

3. I am addicted to shopping. Yes I am admitting it. I think it gets worse when I don't have any money, it's like....I know I shouldn't buy it....but it's such a good deal. It can be anything from shoes to...oh more shoes...well you get my point.

4. I love to run outside. I would rather run outside in 11 degree weather than be in on the treadmill. The treadmill is like prison to me. I just can't handle it. (Not that I really know what prison is like. But I can imagine.)

5. I am enjoying having three kids...whoa did I just say that. Well I did struggle during the poopy years, but they are getting to be so fun. They make me laugh, and it's cute to see they care when I am crying or having a melt down.

6. I am addicted to Diet Coke...sorry mom. My mom struggles with me and my sisters and our love for the drink. If I am having a bad day there is nothing better than a fresh fountain Diet Coke! It's pretty pathetic I have to have a quick drink before I head out for my morning run.

I am tagging those of you reading this who have not yet been tagged. (Will you make a comment so I can make sure to read your blog.)



Hey I am glad you did that. IT is so fun to get to know
things about other people. I am the same as you. I am addicted to diet coke and I am a shop a holic too.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Hello dqaughter-in-law of mine. I know how much you love getting comments so I am sending you a comment, Yes I have the cutest grandkids on earth and they make me laugh everytime I see them. They are so much fun and are the light of my life. Yes I know you are a shop-a-holic because I really think you get it from me. I know I did not give you birth but I do love you like my own daughter. So I think your shopping addiction came from me. But don't we have fun. I love going shopping with you because you have such great taste and keep me up to date. Sorry Gentry you will have to live with it the rest of your life like your dad.:) I had a great day with Alyssa at grandparents day. I can't beleive AI am a grandmother of 6. So since you are loving your kids so much maybe you could go for one more so I can at least have 7 grandkids. PLEASE!!! Gent get going. I lvoe you guys and I love to have you over and I love to come visit. We love you! Love mom and dad.

jen said...

Hey Betsy I found your blog through Trista's. It was fun to read your tag. I read that you like comments so I had to make one for ya!

The Bullocks said...

HI, so I totally need to answer the tag, I am so bad about that. I think I am going to, but is it ok if I copy some of your interesting things? I don't know if I can come up with 6 of my own. love ya

Lyndee said...

I love when I see tag's on blogs, because you get to know something you didn't know before. I still am so excited that you have a blog. I am going through the poppy times right now. It's nice to know you survived them. So are your boys potty trained? How did you do it?

Amy said...

Betsy- so fun to know more about you! Thought you'd beat me to the Jazz night blog for sure, but I just got it up :) It was so short and sweet, and only one picture made it. I had turkey on the mind!

The Lind's said...

I am so jealous that you are up to date on your scrapbooking! And you have more kids then me! Way to go! However I am with you on the diet coke. It helps me get through my day!

The Lind's said...

Oh yeah, about your YW president comment. Thats really funny! I think they may actaully ask me to repeat the whole young women's again! and that isn't because of my young apperance! :)