Sunday, December 11, 2011


After Lily died a few months ago, the kids and Gentry have been on my case about getting another pet.  Gentry was insisting that we get a dog.  Of course the kids are right on board with that.  So he made a picture of a puppy his screen saver on the computer, he pretended like he was talking to a dog or whistling at a dog all hours of the day.  Every free chance he looked on KSL classifieds for a puppy and had the kids swarmed around him trying to find a puppy...and convince me at the same time. What option did I really have, but to GET A DOG?!?!

The idea was to get her for Christmas....and just like everything else, we can't wait.  So....MEET FRANNIE.  Our new puppy.  She's half Shih-tzu and half toy poodle.

She's getting pretty good at going potty outside.  Unfortunately it's freezing outside so I dread taking her out.  Most of the time I make the kids do it.  (They wanted her after all...)

When we brought her home we didn't tell the kids where we were going.  I made Gentry video me bringing her in.  I love their response.  They asked if we were going to keep her.


S said...

Love it!

Heather said...

Can I just say I'm loving your dog! I have been doing the same thing as Gentry. I have been pulling up ksl everyday for about a year, and Mike is not budging. I keep thinking he'll start feeling bad for me, but he's not. I even told him I'd save up my own money. Maybe Gentry could give me some pointers. I was totally set on a yorkie, but I am LOVING your dog. I bet it's not as yappy as a yorkie either. So, so cute!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

I love Frannie wish she was mine:)

Annika said...

She's a cutie!