Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Most Favorite Time of the Year

Christmas PJ's are my favorite tradition.  Gentry's mom Cyndy always buys coordinating pajamas for everyone.  I love it!  It's always a surprise....which I love:)  (Even though I say I hate surprises.)  Every year I say these are my favorite...and this year, once again they really are!  I've been in a "red" mode for a few months now... and how perfect that they are RED!

 Cyndy always gives the kids books, she was trying to find the Brer Rabbit for Brock because it was Gentry's favorite book and Brock was dying to have it.  It was out of print, but she found someone selling it on Amazon...needless to say Brock got his book!!!
Boston did this smile all night.  It was driving me crazy...someday he will be embarrassed by it.


 This last picture is my favorite.  I couldn't stop laughing when I downloaded it to the computer.  Gentry is so weird...but he always makes me laugh.
On a side note...the hard drive went out on our computer and we almost lost everything.  Thank goodness I got my pictures downloaded on a external hard drive!


Cyndy Mikesell said...

Another fun night of traditions!! Thanks for coming the pictures make me smile!!

Kristin said...

Are you sporting RED lipstick? are so sassy! The pj's are great...can I be in on that tradition next year? Talk to Cyndy for me!

S said...

Love all the pictures. Cyndy is amazing. You are so fortunate to have her as your mother in law and the children are lucky to have her as a grandma. Those really are extra cute jammies.

Annika said...

Cute! So, SO glad you didn't lose all your pictures! I would go crazy!!!