Thursday, November 24, 2011


We celebrated Thanksgiving at my sister Janay's house.  There was a big group this year, almost my whole some extras!  (Missy got a new job so she and her family didn't make it.)

 The good ol' family picture spot, before heading out.
 I took pictures before we started eating, but I didn't get a picture of everyone that was there.  I think it was something like 39 people total, so you could say it was a BIG GROUP!

Janay and Michelle
 Alan and Chris
 Dad and Mom
 My nephew Connor and Janay
 Jett and Alyssa
 Jennifer and ME:)
 Megan, Alyssa and Jett

 Reese, Boston, Morgan, Skye, Sunny (Michelle's nieces) Jett, Alyssa Kate and Brock
Ashley and Jess
 Chris and Jenni
 Kate and Alyssa
 Janay, ME, and Jennifer
 Awe...Gentry and I
 Jaron and CJ
 Jess and Maren
 Gentry and his parents Cyndy and Kim


Heather said...

You have a good looking family! Your neices are gorgeous!!!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Thanks for inviting us!! We had a good time!:)

Kristin said...

Your parents are so CUTE! As are Gentry's. I also love that you wrote down everyone's name (in case you forget one day). I always make fun of my sister for doing it, so why not make fun of you too! Love you!