Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas EVE Eve...

This year was the "off" year for my family so we celebrated Christmas Eve on the 23rd.  My brother Chris and his family and my sister Missy and her family weren't able to make it...BUMMER!  But we had fun and my Grandma Betty was even able to join us on the chaos and fun.

So here's how the day started out.  Gentry had to have oral surgery to have an implant placed with bone graft and sinus lift...ugh, not so good. (Not to mention $$$) He was not feeling so hot, but figured he was going to be in pain at home anyway so he came with us to the dinner/Christmas party.

This pic is a perfect example of FAKE SMILES.  I had just yelled at them for whining and complaining and literally threatened to leave them home.  Then right after I told them they could come to dinner I said, "Smile so I can take your picture."  And this is what I got.  (I actually took a few more but my kids take after daddy and like to blink a ton.)  Well at least I'm honest and let you know we're not always a well behaved family...I'm included in that and I think we are all in need of a nap.
 Frannie got a new sweater.  I think she really likes it now, the first few minutes she was walking on her tippy toes...and trying to bite herself.
 My Mom, Alan and Grandma Betty.  Alan is wearing the last sweater my Grandma Betty knitted.  He figured it out and she literally used a MILE of yarn to make this sweater.  She is incredible.  I love my Grandma!  I still can't believe she's 93!
 Nate was finally able to join us for a family party.  He's been working a ton and doesn't get much time off.  So we were glad he could make it.  Jennifer is pregnant and finally starting to feel a little less sick.
 So glad my Dad is always willing to cut up the meat.  I've tried doing it and it's a lot harder than it looks.  He always makes it look really nice.
 Michele and Michelle.  aka one "L" and two "L"

 I love little Tate, he came up to me several times throughout the night cause he thought I was Michele.  He quickly went the other way when he saw I wasn't his Mom.
 I love this pic.  I think it's the first time Reese has ever smiled for me while I was taking her picture.

 Gentry wasn't feeling too well, but Connor made sure to hang out with him.  Connor just got done with Silver Rush, which is the fund raiser Riverton High school puts on at Christmas.  They raised $107,000!  Beating last year's high of $80,000.  Connor put a TON of work into earning the money.  The SBO adviser got choked up telling Janay that Connor single handedly did most of the work.  He is such a hard worker we were so proud of him!  What a cool experience for him.  The charity they chose is the Christmas Box house.  It's a place for kids to live who don't have a place...I'm so glad they got to be a part of this!
 Gentry's face is a little swollen from surgery, but he still took a pic with me.
 Like I said earlier, like father like son.
 Santa came...aka Connor.  He let the kids know his little secret that he is actually just an "Elf" that helps Santa out every now and again.  The kids thought it was sooo cool and kept asking him all of his secrets.

 Of course Brock couldn't leave his sweater on the WHOLE time.  Nope he had to change.

 My parents gave Alyssa this hat and shirt.  She LOVES it.  I think she looks pretty darn cute!
 The boys got a piggy bank and some cash for the cruise we are going on in February.

It was a super fun night.  The kids went right to bed when we got home.  (Of course it may have something to do with me threatening to not let them go to the movies tomorrow...but either way it worked.)

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