Saturday, July 2, 2011

4th of July Festivities

We love the 4th of July.  The weather is warm, everyone is out and about and we have Riverton Town Days!

Starting with the parade Friday night.
 Some of our friends invited us to sit with them...IN THE SHADE!!! Loved it!

 My nephew Connor was in the parade because he is a student body officer at Riverton Highschool.  He stopped for pics with the kids.
 My bro in law Scott took care of Jett the whole time...I was supposed to but look how happy he is with Scott.

My sister Janay actually puts everything together, and I sort of just come to help out a little bit.
Luckily Jett didn't fall in the mud or anything....he's oblivious as long as he has that sucker.

I also recruited a friend the night before:)
 And we talked a few people into helping judge the Cannon Ball contest.
My cute sister Jennifer and her kids came for the fun!
 My fun in laws came to watch the kids too.
 Alyssa and Kate got a couple dollars each from the Diving for Dollars.
 Brock got $7.00 and Boston got over $4.00
Brock even dared to be a part of the Cannon Ball Contest, jumping off the high dive.  He got a pretty good splash for such a little guy.  He was half the size of the other kids.
The cousins
Jaron, Mac, CJ, Kate, Alyssa and Brock.
 Brock won the Tanning Contest for his age group...for the best tan line.
(I didn't cheat, he really did have the best line.)
 Reese won for her age group, she was embarrassed to take this picture, but it was too cute.
 Then we went back later for the Haystack dive.  The kids were all really excited to do it, then after a half hour of sitting in the heat they were ready to go.
 You can't really tell in this pic but they were all dying of heat.
HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

1 comment:

S said...

Again great pictures but of course really cute grandchildren.