Sunday, July 11, 2010

Demolition Derby

We took the kids to the demolition derby last night.  We'd never been before and we heard that it was really fun. It was sold out almost an hour early.  So I had some high expectations.

Here is my observation...
-Most people were missing at least one tooth.  (And I'm not talking baby teeth.)
-They thought tossing a beach ball in the stands during breaks was the best thing ever.  (My kids loved it too, I think I was the only one annoyed by the beach ball almost hitting my head every 5 seconds.)
-Everyone was laughing and cheering at the cars hitting each other. (I however was worried about the drivers getting a concussion, and I couldn't believe no one else seemed worried.)

While everyone was watching the chaos, I sat there wondering how the lady behind me was eating the kettle corn.  She literally had no teeth.  She also had nails that were super long and I was worried about the bacteria growing under them.  But hey, she was nice and offered to share with my kids.

Gentry loved it, my kids were just happy to get out and go somewhere different...and I (if I'm being honest) think I will have to pass if someone asks me to go again.

1 comment:

Cyndy Mikesell said...