Thursday, November 6, 2008

Going to the Boat

So on Tuesday I decided to take the boys with me to go and vote. I called them in from outside and said "Boston and Brock let's go vote!" They came running in and were super excited. They even got buckled in the car without any arguments.

A few minutes later we get to the school to vote, and the boys were acting super disappointed. They went inside the school with me and they were looking around for something, then they turned to me and asked "Where's the boat mom?"(Now I know why they were so excited to come along with me)...the people gave them an I voted sticker and they seemed to be okay with the sticker. Too bad there was no boat after all.

Second funny story, I wanted to write before I forgot about this. I have a horrible memory:

I was talking loudly(some may refer to it as yelling.) And asked the boys who colored on the walls upstairs, and also who put their boogers on the wall. No one fessed up so I turned to Brock. (Mother's instinct I guess.) He looked right at me and said "I didn't do it mom!"...So I turned away completely annoyed that he was lying and he yells "Okay I did it, Geez." I had to turn the corner because it made me laugh for some weird reason.

Another thing my boys will do when I'm asking who the "culprit" was is they will actually raise their hand and say "Um, will I get in trouble if I did it?"...that's another hint for who actually did it.


Clements Family said...

That is hilarious! Your boys are so dang cute...I have to say even though they are always into trouble, it is so cute...they will be so glad you wrote down the funny/naughty things they did!


I love your halloween costumes!! How fun to go to Disneyland. I am jealous. Your boys are so cute!! I love hearing the things they say! I need to write more down.

The Lind's said...

Honest truth...Lauren thought the exact samething, when I said we have to go vote! No joke! I realized after she said, "we go boat?" what her happy face was about! So funny. Darn it... boating would have been a lot more fun!! :) Cute pics. You boys are so cute!

I am still gagging when I think about your Disney bathroom comment! Sick!

The Bullocks said...

Happy belated anniversary. That story about gentry reminded me of another one, didn't he once break the towel rack in the bathroom and try to fake an injury, too funny.
your boys are so cute!!! I love their stories.

ps you better call me or your going to miss out on some great deals.

carrie said...

I love your stories about your kids. Those little boys have such cute little faces. I was laughing about the "booger story"....'cause I just had a very simillar conversation with MY kids recently. (only I wasn't laughing....) You must be a MUCH nicer mom than me. :o) Good job taking your kids to vote, too. I wanted to take mine with me, and I got lazy.... I really, really wish I had.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

That is such a funny story. It sounds just like them. I love those two kidos. Kinda reminds me of his dad the day the front room window got broke and Kim and Gentry spent a hour looking for a kid on a green bike. I new it was Gentry all along and finally when Kim got back and found no kid on a green bike I broke the news to him. Gentry finally came clean. Anyway the spple doesn't fall far from the tree. Right Gent.