Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where In The World Is "Victor, Montana"?

So many of you may be wondering why I decided to go private. Well let me explain.

I went private first of all because my brother really encouraged me to do so. I was a little bit defensive at first, but then I started checking my sitemeter and noticed that there was someone from "VICTOR, MONTANA" checking my blog at least once a day. I thought that was kind of weird because I don't know anyone that lives in Montana.

Next I went to a Girls Night Out with some friends from high school and told them about Mr. Victor Montana...of course I assumed it was a "he" because...well maybe I'm a bit sexist. Anyway I asked all of my friends if they knew anyone that lived in Montana and unanimously no one knew a single person. So my suspicions went up even more. I started to get nervous because it was 5:30 am one Sunday morning and I was up checking my blog and all of my friends blogs. I looked at my sitemeter and once again....the sicko let's call him "Victor" was checking my blog. I was SICK. I mean the man is a complete pervert if he is up that early checking my blog...right???? So needless to say I went private. My friend Lindsay went private the same day.

The next day I get a text from Lindsay and she says. "That Victor Montana was checking my blog...and the worst part is, he out clicked on our girls night out picture." Immediately I am thinking "Victor" is now out to get my friends too. I am sick, my mind is running everywhere. Finally I call Lindsay and ask what time he checked her blog. She said 7:00 am. I started to think...hmmm well I was checking your blog at that same time, and I out clicked on the girls night out picture. So I told Lindsay I'm checking your blog and making a comment right now. Let's see if for some odd reason it says I'm Victor Montana. Well sure enough guess who the freaking pervert is....ok so I'm not a pervert, I just like to check my blog everyday to see if I have any comments. I am Victor Montana. Can you believe that crap?

So anyway I'm still going to be private, but I'm going un-private for a while because I noticed some people never got their invites to my blog. So leave me a comment with your email address, or email me at elizmk@aol.com I will try to get everyone who I didn't get the first time. I had about 15 emails that didn't get answered, so I'm assuming that I didn't have the right email address, or I typed it in wrong.

PS...Random picture..but I hate to post without a picture..weird quirk of mine I guess.


The Lind's said...

That makes me laugh. I remember you talking about good old Victor. How did you end up Victor? Crazy. I must say that is a pretty hot pic of Victor! You crack me up!

Heather said...

I love this story,it makes me pee! I'm glad you finally came clean...Victor.

Clements Family said...

That is such a funny story! I am glad I got to be part of solving the case!!

Nielson Family said...

I still think this was one of the funniest stories you've ever told me. You're brave, I probably would have been too embarassed to say anything. Nice mustache!!

carrie said...

I loved your post. :o) I went private, too, for "comlicated" reasons....but I'm actually thinking of going "un private". My site meter is weird, too, if that makes you feel any better. If I check my blog, it said I was from Orem. Not quite Montana, but I'm not from Orem, either. Anyway....cute picture, too. :o)

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Hello Victor,
That was so funny! Your such a great investigator. Once you want to know something that is bugging you you really go all out to investigate it. Way to go Victor.

PITT STOP said...

Hey Betsy,
I hope you don't mind me checking out your site. I went to Copper Hills High with you. We had drama class together. My maiden name was Seely, I graduated in '98. I was just curious on how you were doing. I saw your pic in a bridal shop boutique at the South Towne Mall a few years back (I forget the name). I saw your name on Allison Bushman's site. I'm glad to see your doing great.

I'm sorry about your delema with this so called "Victor", I hope "he" isn't really a stoker. I think the best thing to do is to go private, so nothing bad comes.

Kaydee and the boys said...

Who, Victor?? Oh ya, him and I go way back even to seventh grade when we use to request him to sing in English class... or drama (?). He's such a stud. (big smile)