Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lake Powell

So I made it out to Lake Powell for a whopping 28 hours. Yes I know I am pretty pathetic. I was having a good time until my nephews caught a scorpion and two other HUGE spiders. The scorpion attacked the spider, then the scorpion died. I had the stupid vision stuck in my head all day. You know how when you see spiders you can feel them crawling on you even when they're not really there. Anyway a half hour later I was talking to my sister when I looked down and I had a LIZARD crawling on my shoulder. (Remember the scene on Parent Trap with the lizard??..cause that was me.) I was pretty sure it was a scorpion when I looked down, so with my wonderful "fight or flight" skills...I froze and started screaming. I screamed so loud my throat hurt. My dang nephews have never had such a good laugh...until the next day while I was trying to float in the lake, they tipped me over. And let me just tell you, I don't do well in lakes. I am pretty sure there is always a fish nearby ready to bite me. So once again they got me screaming. I asked why they always torture me and my mom said cause they get the biggest reaction from me. (And the loudest.) So watch out to all my nieces and nephews...I have something planned for you!

Anyway my kids had a good time, and Alyssa insisted on staying, and my awesome family took care of her while Gentry and I took the twins home. I was so glad to sleep in my own bed that didn't have scorpions in it. Let's just say I'm not the "out-doorsy" type. But I did it for my kids...I just couldn't do more than one night.


Cyndy Mikesell said...

All I can say is WIMP:). I am glad you gave it the old college try for the kids for a total 28 hours. I am sure your kids appreciated it. It looks like they had a good time. Way to go SUPER MOM:) Maybe next year??:)

The Lind's said...

I am with you on the spiders, lizards, scorpions, anything crawling...gets me crawling the rest of the day. I am the same exact way..however you are a better mom then me...I would have been home the 1st night! Looks like you had fun though! Way cute pictures. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks! YEAH!

Clements Family said...

I love that you are screaming about those things! Not that you were screaming...but it reminds me of looking for frogs or whatever we were looking for in Mesquite. Looks fun though!!

Allison Bushman said...

I'm so glad there are others like me that don't really like the "outdoors". We just got back from Powell and I was counting down the days! :) It was fun, but I need a bed and air conditioning! :)

The Bullocks said...

that is so funny, it totally reminds me of when we were in 9th grade and you were begging to go home early. oh the good old days. too funny. good old lake Powell.
I have to say love lake powell, but those kind of vacations are a lot harder with kids. I'm glad you made it 28 hours.
p.s I'm excited for the girls night, It will be so fun to get together.

Nick and Amera said...

EW!!! A lizard!! I would have had forign words flying from my mouth!!! I hate anything that crawls, gag me! This is why I am sooooo not a camper. I'll go to a lake and the mountains as long as there's a bed and a toilet and im not out sleeping with any bears or lizards!! hahahah. Hey, I gotta say, you survived out there A LOT longer than I would have anyday!! Trooper you!

Johnston Family said...

Jenni told me the story about how Gentry dropped his blanket in the middle of the night & didn't dare to pick it up because he was scared it would have scorpions on it! I was laughing so hard, cause I can just picture Gentry in the middle of the night FREAKING out. I would have been freaking out too, don't worry!