Friday, March 14, 2008

Funny moments with Brock

I was getting ready this morning, and Brock came in to use my bathroom. He loves talking to me while he is going to the bathroom. Anyway he said the funniest thing. (Well I thought it was funny, but my mom will be shaking her head in disapproval...sorry Mom.) Anyway he is sitting on the toilet and he point to his "boy parts" and says, "Mom, this is where you go pee huh." I said Yep you're right. Then he proceeds to point to the other end and says "This is where we go poo, huh Mom." I said, "Yep you're right again." Then with the most concerned serious look he says to me, "Mom you should get one of these." (Pointing to his "boy parts".) I had to turn around so that I wouldn't laugh.

Ok so then just a few minutes ago he was telling Gentry that his 3 favorite things to do are...

1. Go swimming

2. Watch TV

3. Go poop on the toilet. (He's not kidding either. The kid poops 3 times a day MINIMUM!..and I have to wipe his bum!)

The simple life of being a 3 year old boy!

This picture is of the other night when we went to Chick-fil-a. I don't like reading posts if they don't have a picture...and I didn't think it would be appropriate to have a picture of Brock on the toilet.


The Bullocks said...

that is so funny. I love to see how their little minds work. and it's true it's not as fun to read with out a picture. Katie

The Lind's said...

That made me laugh so hard! Too cute! I love what his favorite things are to do! Hilarious!! Lucky you! BOYS!! Gotta love em!

Lyndee said...

So funny! I love that he likes to chat while going potty:)

Cyndy Mikesell said...

That story is classic!! Kids say the funniest things.
It was fun having lunch with you and the twins today. Love ya!!

kassie said...

I was laughing so hard when I was reading this i started crying Bridger is sitting on my lap and says, stop mommy ok. and wipes my face kids are so funny. I would have loved seeing him sitting on the pot with his little grin!!!!

The Hulls said...

He is so stinkin' cute! Hey, do you know if there is a way to stop those virus comments?

haley said...

Brock makes me laugh! I am surprised he didn't ask if you wish you and Alyssa could have a " boy part". Mac, had a heck of a time trying to figure out how girls peee! Tell Brock I want to see a picture of him in that super cool shirt! Lol!


That is such a funny story! He sounds like he has such a cute personality. I love when they are thinking through all of these things and trying to figure things out because they say the funniest things!

Nick Jarvis said...

hahahah, I CAN NOT WAIT TILL MCCOY SAIS THINGS LIKE THAT! I really do look forward to those kinds of comments and conversations! You have got to write that down so youll never forget that. Thats too darn cute!

McInnes Family said...

I love the things they say. It's so good that you post them. It's like keeping a journal. I always think that I should be writing what Max says down as I am cracking up at his comments.
P.S. I'm listening to Twilight as I type. I'm soo addicted; I can't stop :).

Jennie said...

Hey Betsy!

Mignon told me you had a blog so I hope you don't mind that I spied on you. You have a darling family! Those twins are heartbreakers! And I can't believe how old your daughter is now. I remember her just being tiny when I first stared having you do my hair.

Take Care!

btw- is our blog if you want to check it out.