Sunday, January 13, 2008


Remember how I mentioned being obsessed with the book series Twilight...well things haven't changed. I was talking to my friend Adrienne last week and I told her that my neighbor got a shirt on the author's website, so we took a look and both decided we wanted to make our own shirts. So long story short...Adrienne went shopping and bought the stuff to make these shirts. I tried to be helpful, but I'm no good. She ended up making them. She wrote on them with her bare hand! No stencils or stamps...FREE HAND! I about died! I wanted to scream I was so excited. (My ego is still a little bruised from the cheer leading days when our advisor wouldn't let me make posters because of my horrible handwriting.)

Anyway to explain the shirt for those of you who don't recognize the saying. In the first book (pg 274) Edward says to Bella while they are in the meadow.."And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.." Bella replies with "What a stupid lamb," and then Edward finishes with "What a sick, masochistic lion."

We thought this would be good for our shirts because you wouldn't understand unless you had read the book. The bracelet with the heart represents the braclet she gets in the 3rd book. We didn't put a wolf on it though because we decided it felt too much like we were betraying Edward. You have to see these shirts in real life. The pictures don't show the BLING of the sparkly diamonds and silver writing. I have to give it to you Adrienne...YOU ROCK! THANKS!


Amy said...

Cute shirts! It's official, I need to start reading these books. You look so darn cute in that picture too!

Di said...

You weren't kidding when you said you were obsessed were you... love the shirts! That's impressive that she did that freehand. So I'm wondering why Gentry isn't in the picture with his own shirt????

Heather said...

I love the shirt! I got an Edward shirt for me and Laura off the website, but it doesn't compare. She sould make and sell them.

busymama said...

So funny, Heather and I were reading your post at the same time!! You are too cute, the shirts look great, but I am convinced you would look good wearing a brown paper bag!

Chereebee said...

LOVE IT!!!! You are BOTH too cute!!

Nielson Family said...

cool, I liked your picture better so I had to add it to my blog. Love the fading around the edges.

Clements Family said...

So cute! Your friend is so talented!

Lyndee said...

I love the shirts!!! She did a great job.

The Bullocks said...

so cute, I can't believe she wrote that on her own.
I wanted to get a shirt that said bite me Edward, but I thought if people hadn't read the book then they would think I was raunchy or something. that is a cute saying.

The Bullocks said...

oh, I was going to tell you, so I started to read eclipse again. and you are totally Alice. I love her she is so cute. and you are totally her.(especially with the whole wedding thing I loved having you around with my wedding) I will have to find you the personality test link that tells you what character you are from the book even though I know it's Alice.
I'm Jacob (a girl version)

The Lind's said...

CUTE SHIRTS!! You, of course always look cute! You guys could honestly sell them! I want one! I also like Katie saying "bit me Edward." I think Gerry would get a little jealous if I wore that though! Is Gentry done with the books? oh and thanks I am feeling all better. No stomach flu. I actually did a weight class and I am pathetically out of shape...I think it poisoned my joke...shhh that's kind of embarssing!


That is awesome. You have a very talented friend. I was obsessed with those books too. I always say I just need to find me an Edward. You look so pretty in that picture! Hope your doing well. I still want to have your kids over to play. Call me.

The Bullocks said...
This is the link to go to to see which twilight character you are.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

I think I was the first one in the family to start these books. Like last July. I am still reading them. I am almost done with the second one. I want a shirt when I finished. Do you think that could be arranged?