Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hair Dresser in the Making!

Alyssa just went off track this week and I decided that it was ok to let her try doing her own hair. She has been practicing doing her own pony tails, but I haven't let her use a curling iron or three today was the day. I was so proud of her. I told her to count to 5 before moving down her hair. I was cleaning the floors and listening to her count out loud. She did it ALL...even the back all by herself! I couldn't believe it. (Why didn't I try this sooner...think how much time I could've saved.) Yeah Alyssa!


Cyndy Mikesell said...

Grandma is so proud of you. It looks darling!! I am happy you can do hair, so when mom stops doing hair you can do grandma's. I can't believe you are only 5 and can do your own hair. I think I did your dad's hair until he was in middle school.:)
Love ya so much!!!

Lyndee said...

She looks so dang cute. Good job Alyssa. I am so amazed. I would of burnt my hair off at her age. You have taught her well.

Kristin said...

oh that is too cute...i will love it when my kids get old enough to start pawning jobs off on them! you should have her try doing the dishes next!!

The Lind's said...

Wow! Impressive! She can come do my hair next! and Lauren's! :)

Chelsa said...

She's too cute! I've been meaning to ask you how you make your scrapbook pages. Do you use a program? I need to figure out how to do something like that. I would love to do lunch...we definitely need to get together. Chelsa

Chereebee said...

wow!! I am very impressed - especially since it's really long!! :)

kassie said...

WOW!! Alyssa that looks so good. Jordyn said you look pretty. She was so excited to see you on the blog.Betsy I would be a nervous nelly. With my kids genes they would burn them selfs for sure.

The Bullocks said...

THat's Amazing, go Alyssa. don't tell Bailee you got to use the curling iron


Wow I am totally impressed. She defintely has been given your talent! She is such a cute girl!

McInnes Family said...

Alyssa is so cute. She is so grown up. Pretty soon she's going to be your best babysitter! That will be so nice. By the way, when do you need to help out with Alyssa's class again? Bring your boys over. Buzz would love to play with them.

The Hulls said...

Good job Alyssa!! She's definately taking after her mom. Before you know it she'll be asking Boston and Brock if she can cut their hair, just like you'd always ask to cut mine, always telling me that it would grow back faster if you cut it! We miss you guys!

The Bullocks said...

this is just a friendly reminder that it's time for a new post. love ya

haley said...

Alyssa- you ROCK!! I was proud when Haley learned to do her hair with those oh so hot curling iron things- but she was waaayyy older, so you'll have to tell her that you can do her hair- And believe me- she will be grateful! And I'm sure she'll brag to every 6th grade girl her cool cousin can 3 barrel her hair, and she is only 6!!!! Alyssa i think you should be able to apply that do your allowance- hello you are saving your mom time, and well, that's gotta be worth something!Way to go babe!!- love aunt missy