Saturday, November 24, 2012


This year for Thanksgiving we decided to host it at our house.  My siblings in Vegas (Missy and Chris) and Jennifer (in Minnesota) couldn't make it.

It was still a really good turn out.  Janay and Connor and her new "friend" Jay.  Alan and Michelle and their 3 girls. Matt and Michele and their 3 boys.  Kassie and her 2 kids.  Kim and Cyndy and my parents.  It was a good sized group.  Luckily no one cared that my Thanksgiving feast consisted of tables with no table cloths, cans of soda...yep no cups....and plastic plates.  Kinda ghetto, but guess one complained about the cleanup.

It was a fun noisy group, but I think everyone had plenty to eat and some of us went to a movie afterwards.  We went to see The Life Of PI.  I literally hated it.  I was going insane.  It is not a movie for kids...or adults with ADD.  My kids had to go to the bathroom more times than I could count and they started complaining about being hungry.  (right after Thanksgiving dinner?!? That's how bored they were.)  Not a movie I would recommend...EVER.

Jordyn, Kassie, Cyndy and Alyssa.
You can kinda see the way we rearranged the furniture to fit in the extra tables.
Gentry and Me.
 Mom and dad was carving the turkey.
 Maren and Michelle
 Kim and Alan
 Michele, Maren and Megan
 Max, Bridger, Boston, Porter, Brock and Tate.
 Connor and Tate.
 The picture I had of Matt was him "showing" his food. (Unfortunately the food he was showing was chewed up in his mouth.)  So I didn't post that one.

 Alyssa sent me this in a text after dinner.  I had to laugh.

I'm so thankful for my awesome family!  So grateful to have so many of them here, and can't wait to see the rest of them at Christmas!!  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


S said...

Thanks for having all of us for Thanksgiving. It was a fun time had by all.

The Hulls said...

Love all the pictures thanks for posting them! Can't wait to see you all soon! Reese has a calendar that she's crossing of the days until we get to go! (Chase on the other hand doesn't want to go because it takes to long to get there...) I need to think of something super great for him to do in the car! :)

Nielson Family said...

Looks like fun! You are so brave to host dinner but of course that's something you would do and act like it was no big deal. Love all the pics. Happy Thanksgiving!