Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another Eventful Week at the Mikesell House

On Sunday the boys decided they wanted to have the same haircut now.  I figured it would be better (because honestly their hair never looked I was hoping they would look more "groomed" now and it wouldn't look like I forgot to comb their hair everyday.)  I have already gotten them confused...but in my defense it was from a distance.  Oh well.  That's what they wanted.

They went to school the next day and tried to switch seats, but Mrs. Anderson was too smart.  A couple kids in the class got them confused though.  (Boston on the left, Brock on the right)
 We went to my mom's house for Sunday dinner.  Alyssa made her own birthday cake.  Her favorite...Banana Brownies.
 Gentry and I celebrated our 13th Anniversary.  We decided not to do anything right now, in hopes of maybe taking a vacation for just the two of us in the spring. (Fingers crossed)
This picture was taken when I was 14 and Gentry was 15.  Kassie worked at JC Penny and took it for us.  I remember thinking we looked so cool with our denim outfits.  I love that we have these.
 My friend Katie had her baby on November 6th.  He's such a cutie.  They named him Nixon.
 Alyssa asked if she could open just one present naturally I let her.  She picked this one to open first.
 It's a microphone for her Karaoke machine.  Her other mic had broken.
 Later that night we had Connor and his friends/family come over for him to open his mission call.  
Here are the guesses.
Boston: Boston
Brock: Florida
Alyssa: London
 And the correct answer is....HONG KONG, CHINA speaking Cantonese!!!  It was so exciting. 
 Later that night Alyssa asked if she could just open her presents so that on her birthday she could spend "more time doing her hair."  I said no, than thought to myself...she will wake up at 4:00 am wanting to open presents (because she is exactly like me) and so I figured we would all be happier and more rested if I let her open them the night before her birthday.

 After opening her presents Connor and Janay told her to come back downstairs and all of his friends sang happy birthday to her.  It was really cute of them.
 She modeled her new pjs for us.
 BIRTHDAY GIRL!! She turned 11!!
 I checked her out for lunch and she chose Chick-fil-a.  They gave her a free shake for her birthday.  And lucky for her they had just started serving the Peppermint Shake!!!  (our favorite, and she even shared a little bit with me.)
 Alyssa wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse for her birthday, but we couldn't go until the next night because she had cheer practice on her birthday and they didn't want anyone missing practice because competition is coming up soon.  They sang to her and had her sit on the saddle, they also gave her ice cream for dessert.
I volunteered to do singing time for 2nd Grade....this is just half of the kids.

 We also had our first snowfall Friday night.  This is what the boys decided to make.


S said...

Alyssa is growing up too fast but what a sweetheart. I like the boys with the same haircut and I love having them in my second grade class. And thanks for doing singing time for me, the kids loved you.

Nielson Family said...

Happy birthday Alyssa, I swear she is the best babysitter ever. I can't believe how much she helps out with my kids when we come to visit.

I'm glad your boys had some fun with the snow. I'm dreading the day when we get our first snow storm this winter.

Hey does this post mean you got your Internet fixed? Hope so!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Wow! Lots going on at your house. Grandma Suzie brought him into the class I was subbing today. I knew it was Boston right away. I said when did you cut your hair and he said a long time ago. Today is Tuesday I guess Sunday does seem like a long time ago for 8 year olds. I was pretty proud I knew it was Boston!! Well he is my grandkid. Love that kid:) Love the snow pic!! Well I love the snow!!