Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Zoo

The kids are off track, so we've been trying to think of things to do with them.  Angie Christa and I decided to take them to the zoo.  They loved it, of course the next day they were already asking what "fun" things we can do now.  It's gonna be a long off track time.
 The gorilla started peeing right in front of the kids.  They were dying laughing.  Of course I was just thinking "that has gorilla has got to have the biggest bladder ever!"  I swear it was peeing for a couple minutes!

 The boys are growing their hair out AGAIN.  We try this every few months, until I cave and bribe them to cut their hair.  I'm not sure how long this long hair will last.

 It cracks me up that the girls are already starting with these faces.
 I like to  refer to us as "Mothers of the Year!" haha
 We are having SO MUCH FUN! (OK so maybe it was a little more fun for the kids, if I'm being honest.)  We were nice enough to go inside the "stinky buildings" just to see a bunch of reptiles...So I think that we should get some credit for that!
 The kids played on the playground there, then it was time to head home!


Cyndy Mikesell said...

I am so happy to be the grandma of those 3. As well as a mother in law, teacher and friend to the rest. Looks like a great day!!

S said...

What fun pictures. Love all of you.