Sunday, May 13, 2012

My 2nd Favorite Day of the Year

Mother's Day is always one of my favorite days because my kids are always extra nice and helpful.  This morning I woke up early (because lets face it, I want this day to last as long as possible) and enjoyed having some quiet time.  After a couple hours everyone woke up and started giving me their cards that they made.  I love their creativity.  I'm not sure when they even made them, but I was so excited they did.
This is from Brock
 Translated: To Mom From Brock
You are kind.  I love you very much.  You are very fun to play with.  You fill up my heart and make it pump.  You are a very good cooker.  I love you.
 This is from Boston
 This is from Alyssa
 We had the boys "try" to take a pic of us.  This is literally the best we could get.  Every picture was fuzzy...I had no idea a point and shoot was so hard for kids.
 Me and my boys...Alyssa wanted to walk to church so she had already left.
 My Grandma Betty, Me and my Mom.  Alyssa was out skate boarding with her cousins.
 My Mom wanted to switch sides because clearly on the other picture you couldn't see her dimple.  We needed to take another picture with Grandma's oxygen off.
 I wanted to throw the following pictures in because (as in every picture I try to take) my brother Matt is in the background.

 He had to show his belly in this one.  I'm trying to shoo him off.
 I wanted a family picture because Alyssa hadn't been in any of the earlier pictures.  Watch Brock's smile...or lack of in every picture.

 It's like every picture we take the kids get worse and worse...I give up.

Gentry and I have been loving the tandem bike.  We seriously ride it everywhere.  The other night we rode it to Zupas and then for a little ride after...we ended up going just short of 19 miles.  

The next morning I talked my friend Brenda into going on that ride with me, which she agreed to.  There's a slight chance we crashed, but luckily there were no injuries...just bruised egos.
 The boys got new bikes for their birthdays.  We let them have the bikes a week early.  (Mostly because didn't have anywhere to hide them.)  They also picked out these helmets.  I was thinking they would go for something a little "older" looking, but they picked the shark and the alligator.  They LOVE their helmets.  And YES, Gentry and I caved and bought helmets too.  We are officially nerds.  As if the tandem wasn't nerdy enough...ha ha.  Although my dear friend Adrienne said that the helmet 'brings out my eyes'...but then again I was wearing sunglasses when she said that, so she must have been joking.


Annika said...

I think the bike is fun! I had a tandem all growing up and loved it. And smart people wear helmets!

S said...

Pictures are great. I love the Mother's Day cards too. Fun memories recorded.

The Hulls said...

I love all the pictures! And I love Brock's smile in each! :) Oh and I love your tandem bike, I think it's super cool! Really, I want to get one when our kids get older and go on family bike rides like you guys... and who knows, maybe by that time we'll be back in Utah and we can go on a great big family bike ride together! ;)