Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Gentry!

Gentry is a whopping 29 if you do the math he was 30 last year, but that's beside the point:)

So for Gentry's birthday being the thoughtful wife that I am, I decided to run a marathon.  I wasn't going to do it, but then after talking to him a few months ago I decided to do it.  (Really, he is the nicest husband ever.)  But toward the end of the marathon I was wishing he would have insisted that I'd stayed home with him instead of doing something so painfully stupid.

So he got to go golfing this morning with friends, and then coach the boys soccer game.  (Which is just what he wanted to do for his birthday I'm sure.)

Gentry still continues to make me and the kids laugh.  A couple weeks ago we were at Nordstrom and the salesman helping us looked just like a neighbor.  We both love playing the "look-alike" game, so Gentry came up to me while I was talking to the salesman and says "So, is Jason teaching class on Sunday?"  I couldn't hold in my smile because that was his way of saying in front of the guy to me that he was Jason's "look-alike".

Yesterday I was on the phone with the Dish Network people and they wouldn't let me talk to them with out Gentry's consent, so I called him on 3-way.  The customer service rep asked how Gentry was, and he responded with "Great other than my lower back has been giving me troubles!"...and then the customer rep said "Oh, I understand"...Gentry sounded just like a senior citizen and the guy didn't get it.  Then he asked why we were canceling our plan and he replied with "It's called we're going back to the good ol' bunny ears."  I couldn't laugh but after I got off the phone I called Gentry and told him I was dying laughing on the other end of the phone.

Gentry is seriously the best husband and Dad.  WE LOVE YOU GENTRY!!


Annika said...

Hope you had a great birthday Gentry! Sorry about the marathon Betsy, but good luck on Saturday. You will do great. Just don't take any IB Profin!

Clements Family said...

Happy Birthday Gentry!
Hope your marathon went well Betsy!

The Hulls said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNKER GENTRY (as Reese would say)!!! We think you're so great too! We love the stories at the end!

Johnston Family said...

Happy Birthday Gentry! Loved the story about the Dish Network call! Gave me a good chuckle! And, true story, one time I needed to change something on our Dish account & they wouldn't let me do it until they had gotten verbal permission from Mike. Well Mike wasn't home, so I literally said okay, yelled "Mike" & then I got back on the phone & did my best man voice & pretended to be Mike & gave them permission for "Laura" to make changes on the account. The person on the other end obviously knew that something was weird, but what could he say, "Uh, I don't believe this is Mike". Mission accomplished, & I did it all with a HUGE grin on my face & a laugh just waiting to burst out. :)

AngiDe said...

Happy Birthday!
Can't believe you ran a marathon! So very cool.
That is what I am planning to do for my 30th.... still under raps so shhh.... :0)


The Lind's said...

Happy Birthday Gentry!! You crack me up!! Love the stories!! Hope you had a great day... and way to go Betsy on your marathon! I am jealous I wish I wasn't so lazy!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY A FEW WEEKS LATE:) Just for the record I did call you on your birthday and actually babysat while you went golfing.:) All for the love of my birthday boy. Hope you had a great day. Love ya tons Gentry!!:)