Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Someone's been in our backyard...

Alyssa is getting older now, so she doesn't say as many funny things as she used to.  But tonight she came in from the backyard (panicked) and said.  "Mom, someone has been in our backyard...Our swing is tipped over the trees are broken it's a mess."  I started laughing and said "Alyssa, it was the wind"  and she looked at me like that's not possible and said "But the wind isn't that heavy!" 

Yes this is the 3rd tree the wind has ruined...and they were all our biggest and prettiest...I'm so sad.  Stupid wind.

Did I mention Alyssa bought he own rollerskates and has learned to use them?  She's getting pretty good too!


Al and Suzie McInnes said...

Sorry you lost another tree. I love the picture of Alyssa.

The Hulls said...

Haha!! Man I love your kids! The wind can be pretty heavy sometimes! :) I love that Boston found a pea...haha, corn season will be great! Love you guys and miss you!