Friday, June 18, 2010


It was stake Lagoon day, so we decided to take the kids to Lagoon yesterday.  We got there right when it opened and we stayed for a record time...until 7:00PM.  Which is a pretty big deal in the Mikesell family.

Alyssa, Lexi (Alyssa's friend), Boston, Brock
Me and the kids went on a bunch of rides together, Gentry said he just can't go on rides like he used to....I guess we really are just getting older:)
Gentry's stomach could handle the train...luckily:)
One quick story:
So we took the kids to the Musical Express and it basically goes in circles so I sat out with Gentry and we were watching the kids.  They all four sat in the same cart and when the lady came by she told them it was only 3 people per cart.  So rather than Boston get out with Brock, Brock decides to go by himself. Then apparently going by himself didn't look fun so he sat with some other random kid.  I was laughing so hard because as the ride starts going around you squish the person on the edge and Brock was holding on for dear life so he didn't squish the random kid he was sitting with....but he couldn't hold on for long and he was squished up right next to the random kid. I am on the side bent over laughing my guts out at Brock's embarrassed face.  Luckily they all had smiles and none of the kids thought there was anything weird about Brock going with someone he didn't know.
You can't really see but Alyssa,  Lexi, and Boston are in cart 4 and Brock and the random kid are in cart 5 together.  It's a great shot of the kid we don't know but you can't see my kids because of the white bar.
I'm sure the other people watching were wondering why Gentry and I were busting a gut watching such a boring ride.

Until next time.....


AngiDe said...

Oh man, I haven't been to Lagoon in ages! What a fun time and hilrious story!


Al and Suzie McInnes said...

Love the pictures. So glad you all had a great time.

Johnston Family said...

Your boys are soo funny, I told Mike the wedgie story & we had a good laugh together. I LOVE Lagoon!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

What a fun way to spend a summer day. Cute pictures!