Wednesday, April 7, 2010

G-Force JAZZ!!!!

Brock and Boston got Jazz tickets from their junior Jazz team and last night was the game.  They had such a great time and Grandma Cyndy took Alyssa to gymnastics so I could go with Gentry and the boys.  (Thanks again Cyndy)

I love the difference between my boys.  As we sat down Brock started watching the game immediately.  Boston on the other hand was checking out the scenery everywhere but on the court.  I laughed as Boston came up to me concerned about the fact that everyone was booing the other team.  I told him they were just having fun.  Then later in the game he asked why everyone kept yelling "G-Force, G-Force"...then I explained they were chanting "Defense, Defense."

Brock, Max, JT, Boston, and Porter
We went with my brother Matt and his two boys and also my sister Missy's little boy JT.
I love Boston's face in this pic.  He was so excited to be at the Jazz game.  The tickets even came with a free hot dog and drink.  I mentioned to Matt that these were some pretty good tickets and he replied "Um, Betsy I don't think they can get much worse"(We were in the very top nosebleed section)...of course I was thinking about the fact that we got free food.  It's funny how free food affects my opinion on things:)
Wearing our Jazz gear....Gentry let me borrow his Jazz hat, and he had on a green jacket (that he ended up taking off).  But I have to say I'm proud...GENTRY HAS HIS EYES OPEN FOR THIS PIC!!!!


Unknown said...

I wish I was there love alyssa

Brittany said...

Great job on the open eyes Gentry!:) Sounds like a fun night! I'm sure the boys had a blast!

McInnes Family said...

I'm so glad you guys had fun! I was bummed I couldn't go; maybe next year when Tate is older and I could actually enjoy the game. Thanks for taking all the boys. They had a blast!

Al and Suzie McInnes said...

What a fun night. Great memories again for all.

Nielson Family said...

I love your boys' jerseys. My kids are always asking for them. I'm jealous all you guys got to go, I love going to Jazz games.

Clements Family said...

Oh, I love that Alyssa left a comment. How sweet is she! I wish my kids got to go to Jazz games...we don't have Jr Jazz in Utah county...whats up with that??

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Glad you were all able to go. I was the lucky one and got to spend the evening with Alyssa. I had a great time. We laughed a lot. Thanks for letting her come over. Anytime:)
Love you guys,

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Alyssa I loved your comment about wanting to be there with your family, but thanks for hanging out with grandma I had a lot of fun with you.