Sunday, March 28, 2010

Legally Blonde

Our friends Eric and Natalie took us to see Legally Blonde at the Capitol Theater.  It was so much fun.  I LOVE Legally Blonde, so I couldn't wait to see the play.  I was wondering how the play would be because the movie isn't a musical.  I noticed the whole time I sat watching the play with a grin on my face.   It was a hit!  I don't know what I was thinking.  I forgot to wear my heart bracelet and a pink outfit.  Maybe next time...

This picture makes me laugh because when we checked to see if everyones eyes were open, Gentry put his head down like he was ashamed.  Eric started laughing and Gentry said. "I just have really sensitive eyes."  Well at least we all got a good laugh.  It's become a little bit of a joke because Gentry really can't keep his eyes open when there is a flash.  Awwwe he's still so cute though.


Annika said...

How fun! Can't wait to hear how your talk went today. Tell Gentry not to feel bad, I have the same problem with blinking in photos. Jason always makes fun of me.

AngiDe said...

What a fun date night! I have heard that this play is just so much fun and really entertaining!


Nielson Family said...

I'm so jealous of your coat. I still need to watch Legally Blonde the movie. Can you believe I have never seen it? I'm glad you liked the play. Looks like a fun date night.

Jett told me the other day that he wanted us to call him Spike. I said no but of course Ian had to go along.