Saturday, January 30, 2010


Last night we came home and found cat puke on our carpet! Blah...I have such a hard time cleaning that stuff up. But I took one for the team and cleaned it up. Then a few hours later Brock woke up (shortly after falling asleep) puking ON THE CARPET! Gentry was the lucky one to clean this mess up.

Then this morning Gentry took the boys for a ride to get a Redbox DVD. On the way home Boston puked. Thanks again, Gentry for cleaning up that one. (I have to be honest, I don't know what I would do without Gentry. Just handing him towels to clean up the puke made me dry heave--is that how you spell it?)

So now I have two sick boys and a sick kitty.

A couple days ago Boston was eating an orange. This is our conversation:
Boston: Mom, try this orange.

Me: Why is it gross?

Boston: No, it's good.

Me:Ok, then proceed to put it in my mouth. I about gag and run to the garbage.
Saying: "Boston, this is GROSS."

Boston: I know it's a little bit gross.

Me: No, it's rotten!

Boston: I know it's way gross. (Just minutes ago he said it was good.)

Me: Uh, ya think???

Seriously I don't know why he tricked me into eating a rotten orange, but after the fact I laughed because I thought he was pretty clever.


Nick and Amera said...

hahahhaha thats funny about the Orange story. Your boys are always giving you a run around! You have your live's adventures all through them! Sorry you guys are sick! Cant wiait for spring! I never leave you comments but I should. I read your blog ALL THE TIME and I love it!

Al and Suzie McInnes said...

Sorry to hear Boston and Brock are sick. Get well soon boys and don't give it to your sister Love all of you. Grandma Suzie

The Hulls said...

Poor little guys, I hope they start feeling better soon!

Annika said...

Thanks so much for sharig, your blog is darling and so is your family!

Clements Family said...

Love your orange story. I am sorry you guys are sick!
PS...I wish you could join us in Canada. It would be so much fun to have friends with us!!!

Coatsy's said...

LOL...... i am laughing so hard, which i needed thanks so much but i almost pee'd myself......