Friday, January 22, 2010


Alyssa cracks me up. One time while she was at my mom's house she found one of my old gymnastics outfits from when I was about 11. Anyway she put it on and wore it to gymnastics. (I was out of town.) Since then she wears it about every week. It's fluorescent and awful but she thinks it's cute. I don't fight it anymore...not to mention it's so old it's almost in style again.

So last night Gentry sent me this video of Alyssa. She FINALLY dared to do her round off back handspring by herself. (I have memories of me in high school fearing the dreaded standing back-handspring...and actually doing a fake one in our embarrassing.)
I am so proud of her!

Now keep in mind the video is side-ways so tip your head to the left to watch. That's her in the beloved outfit of mine.


Al and Suzie McInnes said...

Way to go Alyssa. Congratulations on a job well done

Clements Family said...

Good job Alyssa...I do remember clearly you and your fear of back handsprings. Atleast you could do them though!!

The Hulls said...

Woohoo Alyssa!!! Good job doing your back handsprings!

Kaydee and the boys said...

Now THAT'S talent!

Nielson Family said...

That's awesome, I know how much time and practice went into that.

Allison Bushman said...

Congrats Alyssa! :) Ha Ha Ha... I'm still laughing about the fake standing back handspring! :) At least you could do one!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Alyssa that is awesome. So proud of you!!