Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Fun Begins...and so does April Fools

Yesterday morning Gentry came downstairs with a garbage can...spitting in it.  He usually does this when he has the flu, so I looked at him and said, "Oh no! You have the flu?" (Which my stomach immediately started feeling sick..because we all know what I hypochondriac I am.)  Then he started laughing and said April Fools!  I was so mad that I started hitting him....which made him laugh even harder. 

A little while later my sister Jennifer called...(she calls me anytime she is wanting to buy something, so I thought that was what her call was for.)  Anyway she proceeds to tell me how she's always wanted a 3D ultrasound, and while they were at the mall she decided to get one.  AND they found out she was actually having a GIRL, not a boy.  I WAS DYING!  I Yelled into the phone "OH MY GOSH, SHUT UP!"....and then hearing her laugh I said "CRAP, I hate April Fools!" 

Then I told Gentry he had to scratch my back because he was mean to me.  (Yes I was pulling the guilt trip card.)  And while he was scratching my back the kids yelled something, but I couldn't hear so I asked him what they said, and he said that Christa (a friend/neighbor) was here.  So I throw on my clothes and head downstairs...just to find out he "April Fooled" me AGAIN! 


Later, as I'm trying to blow dry my hair,  Brock yells down to me that Boston pooped his pants.  I was so mad because why on earth Boston would poop his pants is beyond me....but I also wouldn't put it past him either.  So I yelled to Brock to tell Gentry.  (I'll let him take care of it.)  Just to have him yell back "APRIL FOOLS!"  I am seriously HATING this day!

So on to Gentry's parents house for dinner/Easter celebrations.  We got there and the kids got to do an Easter egg hunt.  (Which they LOVED.)  I was a wimp and came inside while they collected eggs because it was too cold.  And then Cyndy and Kim gave them presents.  Well Cyndy wanted to play an April Fools on them and gave them all "silly" presents.  Alyssa got snakes and Spiderman stuff, Brock got fingernail polish and bracelets and Boston got an ice pack and a plastic plate (which he actually liked).  Their faces were funny, but listening to Kim laugh as they were opening their presents was even funnier.  Cyndy told them April Fools and Alyssa and Brock switched presents...Boston was still enjoying his.  Then she gave them swimsuits...which we LOVE because with a swimming pool you always need new swimsuits!

 I love their faces while they are opening their "April Fools" gifts.

 Thanks Grandma Cyndy and Grandpa Kim!!


S said...

Fun pictures and fun times.

The Hulls said...

Hahaha!!! You had a great april fool's day! ;) And it is true, I do call you before I buy something, I have to know if it's a good deal and or cute though! Okay, so thats probably a little pathetic, thanks for being such a great sister though!! Love you!