Sunday, April 8, 2012


I took the kids to the Riverton Easter Egg Hunt.  This was the first year Gentry wasn't able to make it.  Welcome to the life of a car salesman:)  The kids scored lots of "awesome" toys and treats.

Usually Gentry and I split up and go with each of the kids, so we were so glad that our fun neighbor Maisen was here so Alyssa had someone to stay in her age group with.

 I couldn't believe how much the boys got!  They were really nice and shared with some of our neighbors and Jennifer's kids at the end.

 Jennifer and her kids. 
 My neighbor Christa and her kids.
The kids were being stinkers last night and I threatened them that we weren't celebrating Easter the next day....but of course I didn't stick with it and we ended up having Easter.  (Note to self...they actually sleep in a little bit if they don't think the Easter bunny is coming.)

They were excited to see what the Easter bunny brought.  Gentry and I gave them these scooters.  I found them a while ago on sale, and I thought they would like them.  They always love anything they play outside with.  Plus I figure it's good exercise and they don't make a mess in the house.

 I think the kids were happy with the scooters.  They had asked for Power Ranger costumes, but I told them they don't get to ask for presents for Easter.  The Easter bunny just brings treats.
 The kids wanted these hollow bunny chocolates (which I think are gross and way overpriced) so they were excited to see they got them in their Easter baskets.  Of course they had to open them and start eating it before they even found the eggs that were hidden.
*Sidenote* They didn't even finish the overpriced chocolate bunnies...I found them in the garbage...see I DO know what I'm talking about.
 Alyssa was smarter and went right for the Reese's egg.
 Gentry got the scooters up and going in no time!
 Ready for church!  I also have to include that Alyssa has been doing her own hair for a long time now, but she is getting REALLY good!  She has been french braiding her hair and always coming up with fun new styles.  I'm really proud of her!
Then it was off to my parents house for dinner.  Gentry and I rode the tandem bike to my parents house. (Which I need to add pictures of it, but the bike is so awesome it needs a post of its own.) And Gentry's parents were nice enough to drive my kids and our food over.
Wouldn't you know it?!?   I was the first one to find my egg!  
I am going to put together an album of pictures where Matt is in the background picking his nose or showing his butt crack.

 Gentry was the LAST one in our family to find his egg...and actually it was ME that found it for him.
 I'm so glad Gentry's parents come to the family events.  Everyone loves having them, (and Cyndy makes a fabulous spaghetti salad.)



Cyndy Mikesell said...


The Hulls said...

LOVE your easter dress Bets!! Your kids are always so nice to share their stuff... I think they take after you! :)