Monday, January 2, 2012

Let's Go Jazz!

Brock decided to play Junior Jazz this year.  He got two tickets to see a Jazz game, so the plan was for Brock and Gentry to go see the game and I would stay home with Alyssa and Boston.  Boston threw a fit, and he was crying because he wanted to go.  So Gentry called our friend Ryan and bought another ticket for Boston.  He was so glad he could go.  They had a blast and I couldn't believe they all stayed awake.  Boston was almost asleep when they were heading home.

It was the first home game for the Jazz.  They did face painting and handed out magnets of their schedule...(which my kids thought was so cool...they each had to have their own schedule.)
Boston woke up with pink eye the next morning and I was sure it was because of the face paint.  
(I know my germ-aphobia is a problem, but where else could he have gotten it?)

I'm not even sure if the Jazz won, but they had a super fun time with Dad!

1 comment:

S said...

Frannie looks like she is growing a little. Way to support the Jazz Brock and Boston.