Monday, January 16, 2012

This is this, and that is that....

So I didn't know what to title this post because I figured I was going to post a couple of things lately.

My friend Angie was getting rid of her entertainment center.   I kept saying I didn't need anything until I went over to her house to see her new TV and I looked at it.  I LOVED it because it has lots of places to stick all of our crap.  So being the nice friend I am I "took it off her hands".

It was super heavy so we needed my brother to help Gentry, Greg, Angie and I.  Long story short, Matt was short on time and he needed to leave, so we just put it in our garage.  The next day was Saturday and I decided to clean the basement so we could bring down the entertainment center.  As I was cleaning I was getting super frustrated because every inch of the walls downstairs had a ding or dent in it.  I decided to touch up the paint, but when I opened the paint it was thick and pasty...which left me with two options.  Re-paint with another color, or hate the way my basement looks.  So I went with option #1.  I made the executive decision to and picked another color.  By the time Gentry got home from work I was almost 1/2 done.  He luckily got to join me....and he hated every minute of it.  Which led to our next option....keep painting or put up bead board on the bottom 1/2 of the walls.  We chose option #2.  Which led to waiting until 6:00 Monday morning to buy all of the stuff so we could get started.  So we got to Lowe's right after it opened and got our stuff...loaded it downstairs and got to work.  We spent the next few mornings and evenings...and little time in between downstairs.  (I was exhausted and so was Gentry.)  But by Wednesday night it was basically done.  (I still have touch up, but thinking about it makes me too tired right now.)  Wednesday night Matt and another friend Brett came over to help load the entertainment center downstairs.  It was a heavy son of a gun!  But we did it.  We ended up leaving on Thursday to spend the weekend with some good friends in Midway...which is part of my next story.  So we finished putting everything together by Sunday night.  TA DA!!!  I always think these ideas sound fun, until I'm about 1/2 way through and am too tired to finish.  But I'm so glad we did it!
Now Gentry says we need a new TV.

Now on to the weekend in Midway....

We left Thursday night.  Gentry was supposed to take Trax home from work and meet us at a restaurant by the mall.  He called me when he was supposed to be at the place where I was picking him up and said that a man was hit by the Trax train and the train wasn't leaving anytime soon.  So I ended up driving to Salt Lake to pick him up.  (Kind of a bad start to the weekend.)  I won't mention the fact that Brock came home from school with Pink Eye.  Ugh.  Luckily Alyssa had just had it a few weeks ago and we still had the medicine....and luckily Kristin isn't as big of a germ freak as me and still wanted us to come. 

We went shopping on Friday at the outlets.  The only thing better than shopping, is shopping and getting a good deal!  Which is exactly what we did.
I won't mention that this pic was taken after we went to the bathroom...but it's the only one from our shopping trip...

They have a really good Mexican restaurant by their place in Midway.  There's a slight chance we went there two nights in a row.  Hey if it's that good, then why not?!?  The kids were happy to stay home and play so it was a little date night for us too!

I love kids artwork.  Brock drew this and I found it while I was cleaning.  I decided to take a pic of it.  He's been obsessed with wanting to learn how to skate board down the stairs.
For some reason it won't let me turn the picture.    I loved it. 


Nielson Family said...

Love the basement, it looks completely different. You guys did a good job!

S said...

Looks great and love the entertainment center.
Brock is quite the artist.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Love the basement love the art work!