Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Parade and Party

The kids' school had their Halloween parade on Friday.  It worked out well because Gentry has Friday's off, so he was able to come with me and help out at Alyssa's class party too. 

Brock wanted to be The Hulk.
 And last minute the morning of the parade Boston decided to be a cow instead of The Hulk.  (I won't comment on the fact that the cow costume is way too small.)
 Alyssa was a witch.

 We went to Alyssa's class to help with the Halloween party.
 They played the mummy toilet paper game. 
 And Alyssa was the MUMMY:)
 Gentry was my helper...he sliced all the apples and poured all the drinks for the kids.
 Gotta love dry ice.  Even at our age we still think it's cool.
 Angie put the party together and the rest of us helped out.  The kids seemed to love it.
 Later that night Alyssa went to a Halloween party with Angie's girls, and we tagged along for the Haunted House at the end of the street.  It was actually a really cute Haunted House.  The kids LOVED it.  I love the pic above with all the kids looking at the camera, but my boys are too busy peeking into the Haunted House.

Gentry waited int the car with the kids that didn't want to go to the Haunted House, but even he ended up going in...the kids wanted to go back for round two, so Gentry took them.

1 comment:

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Ok you two what the heck dogging on your mom and your twins on Halloween!! I expect you for the Valentines Day Party in my class:)!
Just kidding! Glad you could help out in Alyssa's class. But I'm not kidding about Valentines Day!!
Happy Halloween!