Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mini Vacation to Midway

It was fall break for our kids this last week, and our awesome friends invited us to stay at their place in Midway.  The kids had a blast, riding scooter, bikes, swimming and running around.  The weather was beautiful.  It was nice and relaxing for the adults too.

We went out to eat a couple times.

 Hung out in the family room to visit.
 Enjoyed some milk shakes.
 Brock got some new shoes.
 Alyssa got some new sweats.
 The kids bought their own duck tape.

 We went to dinner with just the adults.

 The kids stayed entertained with the duck tape.

 They tried to find the "difference" between the boys.
 We practiced some pushups.
 ...and a few wall sits...and there's a slight chance my daughter beat me in a plank hold.
And we loved every minute of it!  Thanks Hogan's for letting us have a fun weekend!!!


Kristin said...

Thanks for taking pictures this trip...I suck! You should have also documented the 26 hours we were in Old Navy, that was fun with all 6 kids!
Thank you for the fun...we love you guys!

Clements Family said...

Fun weekend! I love that the kids were so entertained with duct tape!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

I'm jealous I'm ready to go somewhere!! Looks like a lot of fun with some great friends!!