Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of Pre-School.

OK so I'll be honest with you. This day couldn't have come soon enough. After the last 11 days of dealing with tonsil-less kids I was ready to have a break.

The boys were excited to start school, and I think they wanted to get away from me just as much as I wanted them to go to school. I had a great 2 1/2 hour break, and I was excited to see them again. They had fun with their teacher and classmates.

PS I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but don't get your kids' tonsils out...IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!! We had a really hard 2 weeks, and I am not sure I'm fully recovered. Although last night was the first night they didn't come into my room crying. (If we don't count the wake up visit from Brock at 4:45 AM...I was about ready to get up anyway)


Cyndy Mikesell said...

Such handsome boys!! They are growing up so fast. I am glad you got their tonsils out. They will feel better now. So glad you lived through those two weeks. You are a trooper!!
So when did you say your next one was due????:) I Know I know it is just wishful thinking. :) But then again who knows. I am praying really hard.:)

The Bullocks said...

your boys are honestly so adorable. I love their little smiles, you can just see their cute personalities in them. Isn't school the best!!!


Ahhhh. I can't believe that all of your kids had surgery at once. I am glad that they are feeling better! Your boys are so cute. That will be nice that you are kidless for a few hours! Okay so my memories of you are of talking in your salon in your basement. You are always so fun to talk to and you have great insight and perspective on life. I do remember how sweet you were to curl bryns hair when she was a baby! And you didn't burn her. Her hair looked darling! Also you are a fashion diva and you always look perfect! I love your vest with the t-shirt in the last picture!!

Clements Family said...

How cute do they look! Yea for school...and for you getting a few hours to your self!

Chereebee said...

what handsome little studs!!!

The Lind's said...

I hate that your blog doesn't come up on my google reader...I guess I can't get mad that you were so lazy on my blog...haha. Your kids are adorable. I hope they are feeling better. It was so great to see you when I was in Utah. We better start planning something for Dec.

The Hulls said...

They are soooo handsome!! I miss all of you guys! I feel like an awful sister, I didn't even know your kids got there tonsils out!! I'm sorry. If I was there I'd watch your kids so you could have a break, sorry again. Well, I love and miss you guys!

Johnston Family said...

All of your kids should be models! Camren starts pre-school soon as well & Jaden starts Frickin' 1st grade on Monday! Insane!