Sunday, August 28, 2011

When Adrienne Comes...

Adrienne came for a quick visit this last weekend.  We always love when they come to stay with us.  The kids had spent hours prepping for the "school" they played for hours and hours.  They pretended like they were in 2nd grade....totally growing up and skipping 1st grade. 

Adrienne and I went shopping for a little bit.  I've never been more excited to have her pregnant....We got to park front row!!
 We stopped at the District cause they were doing a bunch of fun kids activities. 
 The kids got their faces painted and even scored some free popcorn!

 The kids wanted to roast some marshmallows.   

 They went swimming a few times and played in the sandbox.  They even played on the swings...remember "Spider".   Gentry is convinced they will be embarrassed some day by this picture.


Annika said...

How exciting that Adrienne is pregnant! I bet her kids r so excited? When, Girl or boy?

Nielson Family said...

Thanks for posting that awesome picture of me. The kids had a blast as usual. I'm so excited to have you come in October. It will be just what I need. Also, thanks for figuring out how to take that middle console out of my car. I love how you know more about my car than I do.

P.s. Annika, I'm due october 20th, girl