Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bananas In Milk

I had to write this down, for some reason it was funny to me.

The other day Boston found Brock's sippy cup with milk and it was a couple days old so it was all curdled and stinky...we just threw it away cause that stuff makes me gag. With that being said this is the conversation between me and my boys.

Boston: Mom, tell Brock he can't put bananas in his milk. It was so stinky.

Brock: I didn't put bananas in my milk-it just did it all by itself.

Boston: Yes you did I saw it.

Me: Brock that is why we don't leave sippy cups out...they get rotten and stink. It's not a banana it's rotten milk.


Cyndy Mikesell said...

Cute pictures of the kids. That was so funny about the curdled milk.:) Cute story thanks for sharing.:)

Kaydee and the boys said...

Yikes, you got me. You're right, I wasn't there for the reunion. How was it?? You're such a sweetheart! I saw Katie at Target the other day and she gave me a hard time as well. :)
That is a super cute story about your super cute boys. They're so very entertaining to me.

The Hulls said...

Haha! Oh I love those boys! They're so handsome!