Sunday, October 27, 2013

The boys have been wanting these footie pajamas for a while.  I made them do chores to earn them and they were so excited.

 The kids are now off track so we decided to take them to see the witches at Gardner Village.  They had fun doing the Witches Scavenger Hunt.  We went with Katie's family and the kids had fun with each other.  We took them to Chick-fil-a for lunch and then decorated cookies at Katie's house.
 Alyssa had a Trunk or Treat at her Cheer place so she dressed up as an 80's girl.  She wore my old leotard.  It's funny that she is getting so old and can wear my old stuff.

 Cyndy and Kim had us over for dinner and pumpkin carving last Sunday.  I don't think we've been over there since Christmas so it was fun to get together with that side of the family.  My kids love playing with Kassie's kids.

 While being off track the boys made a fort.  They duck taped a twin sheet to the ground and taped it around a fan.  They thought it was awesome.  They told me that they thought four people could fit in it.
 The boys had a GREAT flag football season.  I was so proud of them.  They had a great coach and he worked really hard with them.  Boston played defense and was really good at getting flags.  He got more and more aggressive as the season went on.  Brock is always very competitive.  He mostly played offense and was really good at running the ball and scoring.  He's a fast little runner and he scored lots of points.  Both boys made me really proud!

 Adrienne came into town for a few hours and we went to lunch with her kids.  My kids always love playing with her kids even if it's only for a few hours.
 Brock bought this headband with his own money.  He had looked it up online and asked how to figure out how much tax would be so that he would have enough money when we went to Target.  He put it on and asked "Mom, do I look like Lebron James?"  Yep, you took the words right out of my mouth.  He cracks me up.  He is so excited for basketball season.
 Alyssa asked if we could have a girls night this weekend so I told her we would.  She wanted to go with Katie and Bailee.  We had a really good time.  We went to Red Robin for dinner and did a little shopping at the District.  We went through the drive through at Chick-fil-a for a shake and then went back to Katie's house to Shellac the girls nails.  I'm so glad I have a girl to do this fun stuff with.


Nielson Family said...

I'm sorry but Gentry microwaving the towel was so funny, I can't stop laughing. You never told me this. Love all your pictures!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Loved all the pictures!! You Betsy are Beautiful. You are such a great mom and do so many fun things with your kids. My son is super lucky to have you. I hope this coming year brings Kim and I good health so we can have more Sunday get togethers. We really miss that.We love all of you and so glad to be part of your life. Especially thank you so much for all the great advice and support during these last three weeks as well as Gentry it has made it easier knowing someone else can help. Love you all!