Tuesday, August 17, 2010

So last Saturday I was at the store and the kids asked Gentry if they could go to the neighbors garage sale.  He told them yes, so off they went.  Unfortunately for them the neighbors weren't having a garage sale they were just cleaning out their garage (I don't know why that makes me laugh, people can't clean stuff up without my kids wanting to buy the crap)...so they went the next street over and were lucky enough to find a garage sale.  They were so excited they got TWO stuffed animals and a purse.  They couldn't believe they were able to get such cool prizes for "ZERO DOLLARS"!  So now we have more crap at our house thanks to our charitable neighbors.  Oh well, it made the kids day and it didn't cost me a dime:)

Last night we went to the Rio Tinto stadium because my father in law had a work party for family night.  It was really fun.  They had people painting faces and making balloon animals.  My kids got to try out their soccer talent too.  They had tons of food and we got to watch a movie while sitting on the grass.  My kids had a blast and so did Gentry and I!
Thanks for inviting us KIM!!!!


Cyndy Mikesell said...

Thanks for coming it was fun!!

Al and Suzie McInnes said...

Love the face painting, so colorful. Looks like a fun time.