Sunday, June 15, 2008

No More Training Wheels.

So a couple of days ago Brock asked if we would help him ride a "two wheeler". Gentry helped him, but he didn't want Gentry to let go. The next day he wanted to practice again, so I helped him. I let go and he was swerving all over the place but luckily he didn't crash...until I was there to catch him. I wish I had video of the first few tries...they were funny and I'm sure I could have gotten some good laughs, but I didn't think I could trust myself to catch him with a video camera in my hand. I couldn't believe he picked it up so quick. He still is a little nervous to do it with out me or Gentry out there to supervise, but Boston doesn't care to learn quite yet. I told Boston he couldn't be on the video until he learned to ride a bike, so hopefully that will convince him to start riding without training wheels. HAPPY FATHERS DAY GENTRY...and to all of the awesome Dad's out there! Betsy


Cyndy Mikesell said...

Brock reminds me of his dad. Yes Gentry learned how to ride a two wheel bike when he was 3. (Just a proud mom bragging):) Boston will get to where he wants to learn too. Way to go BROCK!!

Clements Family said...

How exciting! Yea Brock! I wish Brooks would want to learn!

The Naylors said...

I can't believe he can already ride without training wheels. Braiden was just trying to convince Madison to learn so she says "Mom will you take off the small wheels but leave the big ones on"
Way to go Brock! Good thing Boston on the same schedule as the rest of the kids in the neighborhood so we don't all feel bad :)

The Bullocks said...

What a big boy. I can't believe he's already on 2 wheels!! Bailee is almost 6 and just barely is doing it. And Tyson is the biggest wimp. he won't even sit on his bike. Good job Brock!!!

The Lind's said...

Wow look at what a big boy! I am impressed! He looks so stinkin tiny on his bike! So cute! Love the video.

The Hulls said...

Wahoo Brock!! I love that Boston thought he should get a prize. They are so cute, I miss them! I think you should come out here!! But you can take it slow since it is across the country. Love you guys!

Johnston Family said... it sad that Jaden doesn't even know how to ride a two wheeler yet?

paigernate said...

i found your blog through Andrea's... your family is SO Stinking cute and your kids are so BIG!!! i guess that is what happens when you don't see people for like- YEARS!! i'm stoked to see you guys on here!


Wow that is so impressive!! I really need to work with my kids so that I can take their training wheels off. Any suggestions?

510Jen said...

I love when they learn how to do this. Congrats Brock.

Brett and Andrea Robinson said...

Hey Betsy! Your kids are beautiful (but what did I expect with you and Gentry as parents, huh!) I haven't seen you in forever, but maybe we can keep in touch now with the blog thing... That is SO cool that Brock is already riding a bike! Talk to ya soon... Andrea