Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th Of July

The 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays.  Gentry made sure to take work off so he could join us for the day.  We started it off at Diving For Dollars at the Riverton pool.
 The kids all took part in the Cannon Ball contest too.
 Brock met Carter on his baseball team, and Carter's brother Troy is the boys age so they all have fun together. (Brock, Carter, Troy, Boston)
 The kids had a blast because so many of their friends were there.
Alyssa and Bailee
 I helped Janay get the games ready.
 Kim and Cyndy came to join the craziness.

 The kids all joined the tanning contest.

 Then it was back to our house at noon for the BBQ.

My Dad was in the hospital with an infection around his heart that went septic.  My Mom was there with him, and stopped by for a little bit before going back again.  We missed having them here for the holiday.

After the BBQ we took the kids to see Despicable Me 2.  It was a cute movie.  Then we headed to the hospital to visit my Dad.  They have a really nice restaurant area on the patio and we got the kids some food and watched the fireworks from the patio.  It was a great view!


Cyndy Mikesell said...

We are so proud of Brock!! Thanks for the fun fourth with your family it is always so much fun! We love your Dad and hope he gets well soon!

Nielson Family said...

You are always the best hostess to have everyone over on the 4th. Looks like so much fun and I loved all the pictures. I'm thinking about your Dad and hope he gets better.

S said...

Another fun 4th of July. Thanks for keeping up the tradition.