Saturday, March 26, 2011

This Week In A Nutshell

I wanted to write a couple of random events this last week.

#1  Alyssa went to a birthday party and they curled her hair really cute.  I always told her that her hair didn't curl very good (mostly because I didn't want to take the time) but she discovered it did curl...apparently the girl at the party said she had "perfect" hair for curling.  Little did she know her Mom is a hair dresser that was just getting lazy.

#2  Gentry had come home from work, gotten in the shower and then we had to run errands.  When we got home it was about 9:00 and he told me he was going to hop in the shower.  I didn't think anything of it, until he came back down stairs (half dressed) and said "I already took a shower, why didn't you tell me?" if it's my job to know that.  I always joke that we are turning into senior citizens, but this is proof it's happening.

#3  I drove into the garage and found this garbage can with a note taped to it.  Brock told Gentry he wanted to collect cans to save up money for a rocket.  He had been collecting the plastic bottles and Gentry told him only the cans were worth money.  I cracked up when I read the note.  I love that he drew hearts.  "Please put your can in here but we want it silver." (That is how it is translated.)

#4  Today I went to pick up my kids from a birthday party.  I told my friend I couldn't believe they had such a long party...that's when I found out I dropped them off an HOUR EARLY.  That was so embarrassing!  In my defense Gentry lost the invitation (that I never got to see) and so I had to text her to find out when the party was...she text me the WRONG was still embarrassing though.   My favorite comment as we were driving away Boston said "Everyone was way late to the party."....hmmm I wonder why?

#5 Last night we went to the comedy concert with Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy and Jeff Foxworthy.  I about peed my pants.  HILARIOUS!  One of the jokes they told..."I'll never understand how dogs can eat their own vomit, eat their poo, lick their butt and yet if they eat a half of a candy bar that will be what kills them."


Al and Suzie McInnes said...

Great pictures and stories. Loved them all.

The Hulls said...

LOVE the stories and the pictures too!! Guess what?! We bought our plane tickets home... one way... crazy!! :)

jen said...

haha. Thanks for the laugh!

McInnes Family said...

Alyssa is so pretty! I think she looks adorable everyday :) Your boys are too funny. I love how creative they always are! And I thought the comedy show was hilarious too. I was dying. So worth going to. A must see show if they come again!

carrie said...

Betsy, I love your blog posts. They're always so funny....and I love the photos, too. SO cute. :o)