While I was talking to Brock today he was telling me that when he grows up and has a baby he is going to give it a bed with no holes. I didn't think much of it until I was putting him to bed tonight. It drives me nuts because he insists on sleeping on the top bunk, so that the "kitty's" can't get him. (We don't have cats, and neither do any of our neighbors, so I don't know what he is scared of.) He also has to get every pillow imaginable to put around the edges.(except for the wall sides) He acts like my "tough guy", but he is actually the BIGGEST wimp. Every night he sneaks in to Alyssa's room and curls up on the foot of her bed.
Alyssa sleeps on top of her comforter and uses another blanket so she doesn't have to make her bed in the morning. Isn't she efficient? (Now the boys copy her so no one uses their comforters.)
Boston sleeps in the guest room. He likes to sleep in there because he says Brock bugs him, and Brock stinks. (It's true though, Brock does have gas A LOT!)
My mother in law gave Alyssa these stickers. They decided to use them all at once. Wasn't that clever?:)
that is so cute that Brock sleeps with Alyssa. Baiiee also uses that bed trick, maybe I should give it a try.
Happy Birthday Gentry. Ryan and I also think you are very funny, I especially love all of your phone pranks (on my behalf, mind you)
and Ryan loves your broken nose prank.
p.s please note that I was the first to comment on your birthday post.
How funny all the random things your kids do. Zach does the samething lineing up the pillows but he also uses stuff animals (I hate stuffed animals). Oh and it's not because of the kitties! :) Love all the pictures of your little kids.
my silly grandkids !! I love them:) They are a hoot!!
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