The letter of the week. Yes click on the pictures if you are having a hard time seeing it. Boston was quite proud of himself. He drew several capital H's all over the house. The H's on the couch are having a hard time coming off. Any ideas for ink on leather? Or ink on dressers? I thought Gentry was gonna lose it. Of course I was mad...but then thought I better take some pictures of these, who knows when he will draw H's again. My kids tend to have a short term memory and can't remember their letters:) Well it would have been a proud moment if only he could have done it on paper.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I Spy With My Little Eye....
The letter of the week. Yes click on the pictures if you are having a hard time seeing it. Boston was quite proud of himself. He drew several capital H's all over the house. The H's on the couch are having a hard time coming off. Any ideas for ink on leather? Or ink on dressers? I thought Gentry was gonna lose it. Of course I was mad...but then thought I better take some pictures of these, who knows when he will draw H's again. My kids tend to have a short term memory and can't remember their letters:) Well it would have been a proud moment if only he could have done it on paper.
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That looks like my house. Don't ya love that they think your house and furniture is paper.
Oh man I saw those H's on your leather and had my own anxiety attack. I have no idea on any of those. Maybe a magic eraser? Good luck!
What good H's. :) Oh the joy of having kids. Thanks I do love those cute little grandkids. I have some kind of leather something at my house. You can come and get it and see if that will work. Not sure if it is a cleaner or a protector for leather. Try hairspray it works on clothes I am told. Try a small spot and see what happens. Magic eraser another good idea. I know it takes off crayon. So sorry but this too will pass. Smile and enjoy it, it goes so fast:)
You're going to think I'm weird....but a friend told me once that she got ink off her leather couches with perfume. She said she put it on cotton balls and rubbed it off in circular motions.... Test a part of your couch that doesn't show....and make sure it won't discolor it. BUMMER!! My cousin had some friends over one night and one of their kids wrote on her ivory couches with black Sharpie!! It could be worse....hee hee Like Cyndy said, at least they're good H's!! :o) Good luck with the stain.
whoa I would lose it but then laugh later cause it is pretty funny...and those are dang good h's!
I have no idea what to tell you to get that ink off, but all I can say is "yikes!!!" Coy would never see another "h" in his life but then again, im sure i'd turn soft and say, "its ok" Good luck. Kids!! What is going through their tiny little minds??
They are pretty good H's! I would have cried. So a pen broke in my car, luckily it was on the side of the seat in the crack but I read online to use hairspray to get it out. It helped alot. I would try some hairspray on a spot that you can't see on your couch 1st to see if it leaves a mark. It didn't leave a mark on my leather car seats but the leather is tan. It's worth a try! Good luck!
Oh Betsy! I am so sorry!!! I have no advice for a google search! I would have cried! But to his credit they are really good H's
What good H's..... I have been laughing since I read this, so sorry but it really is funny. Magic Clean eraser should get it off... Give it a try. Lots of love
I am crying for you right now, the H's on the leather would have sent me to the looney bin. I hope that you find something to get it all out! Good Luck! P.S. I loved the blonde post below, so funny, reminds me of something that I would do!
Those have got to be worth some extra credit. Turn those pics in to his Teacher.
Oh, and just to give you a heads up....according to the Preschool's website, next week they are moving from "letters of the week" to "lenghty vulgar sentences." Just a heads up!
Thanks for the laughs today in catching up on your blog. Your family is so funny! I love reading your stories. Well I'm sure the H on the couch and dresser isn't too funny for you. Oh and your sister is funny too... ha ha!
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