So the kids decided to create a little "landing pad" so they can practice doing flips. I thought it was pretty funny, so I decided to post it.
Second you'll notice my lovely pictures of my arm. Well I decided to post it so you'll all be more aware of your moles. I went to the Dermatologist a couple weeks ago to get rid of my zits. I had her check a mole that was actually really small, but something about it gave me that "gut feeling" that I should have it checked. I took a picture of my other moles so you could see how small it was, compared to the scar that I now have. SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN. Anyway it was about 1/4 the size of a pencil eraser, but it was getting a little darker and it wasn't as round anymore. My Doctor (CANDACE SPANN if you need a fabulous dermatologist) took one look at it and said "I do not like the looks of that." Within minutes she was getting me numb and prepped for removal. About 3 days later she called me and said she had some very "pressing news". Two days after her phone call I was back in for surgery. (The picture I posted was 2 weeks after surgery, and you can still see I have a bit of bruising.) Long story short everything is ok, but I do have to go in every 6 months to have a full body scan to make sure nothing else changes. So as ugly as my new scar is, I am actually pretty grateful to have it there. I was talking to Gentry about everything and he said. "Aren't you so glad you had tons of zits, I mean the zits saved your life". (I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be a good comment, but we all know how it sounded) and to be honest I wouldn't have gone in to have a little mole checked, so I am....yes pretty grateful I had "tons of zits". Who knew I the words "I'm grateful for my zits" would come out of my mouth.
Random side note: My Dr. also said that tanning in a tanning bed increases your chances of melanoma by 75%. THAT IS CRAZY!!! Unfortunately I worked at a tanning salon in high school and took advantage of my free tanning...boy do I regret it!
Betsy! You poor thing!! I hope you are okay! Oh and can I say THANK YOU for all the free tans! :) haha...just kidding! Remeber me-your unpaid assistant...well I guess I did get free tans. haha. I remember hanging there all day long. Good old Summer Breeze. I was such a good friend! :) Okay enough about that. I sure am glad you have lots of zits too! Whatever... you look great!!
I am glad that you got it all checked out! That is scary! I think we were all crazy when I think about how much we went to the tanning beds!
how scary betsy...i have been thinking i need to go get checked out too. i swear i went tanning every single day in high school. i have been wondering who to go to so i think i will give your doc a call! thanks for the reminder and warning and for having zits cause that makes me feel better about mine!
So glad you got it checked out!! I want you around for a long time!!!!! We love you so much!! Cute video of the kids! Pretty good flips!!
Oh man. I am mole city. I have had way too many taken off too. You may have worked at the tanning bed but I lived 5 of my summers basking in the sun as a crazy lifeguards. We are going to PAY.
Look at you and your public service announcement!! Tenli had fun on the "landing pad" I bet she would have spent all day jumping off the giraffe if I would have let her.
I don't think you even know what a zit looks like! That is so funny Gentry said that. Tanning usually takes care of my least I will die tan and zit free!!
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