So it was Gentry's dad's-mom's (aka grandma) birthday and his family decided it was a perfect time for a reunion. So we went to Payson and had a little dinner get together at the park. It was fun. I don't really know many of his cousins, but they were all super nice. The funny thing is when we got to the park I took a look at Kassie and Cyndy and laughed cause we all looked like twins.
I also thought I would post a couple funny things my kids have said lately.
1. Boston came in while I was getting out of the shower and asked why his boobs didn't jiggle like mine. (um sorry that's not probably blog appropriate, but I laughed and had to tell him he doesn't have boobs.)
2. Brock and Boston asked if they could work at All A Dollar when they grow up. (I recorded that so they can watch themselves talk about their dream job when they are older.)
3. Boston and Brock love to say "potty" words. They are so proud they can spell their name and then they do something like:
"B-O-S-T-O-poo" They laugh at each other which only encourages the potty talk.
4. Alyssa is starting to pull her shirts off of her shoulders..she thinks it's pretty. I told her she was going to stretch out her shirts. (I can hear my mom saying the same thing to me.)
5. Alyssa is so determined to practice gymnastics. She is probably one of the most un-flexible kids, but she has been stretching for months so she can finally do the splits. She is also ALWAYS doing a hand-stand or a cartwheel. I remember driving my Grandma nuts doing hand-stands all throughout her house. (If I didn't break my wrists doing hand-stands now it might be fun...have any of you tried them lately???)
FAVORITE JOKE my kids tell several times a day...infact they tell me so many times it is starting to get to be funny again.
knock knock: Who's there?
Old Lady: Old Lady Who?
OldladyWhooo (said with a sing song voice)
Ok so that is totally hilarious that Boston said that! Kids are so funny! And Alyssa is totally flexible. She was doing a good job the other day!
I probably need to post more of the funny things my kids say & do. Just be glad that you don't have to travel more than an hour to get to your family reunions, must be nice.
Oh I love your kids!! All those comments cracked me up! And Gentry's comment on your last post made me laugh, I'm thankful for your zits too! Love you and miss you!
So cute! Love the kids commments!! You crack me up about breaking your wrists!! I wouldn't dare try a I miss being young...I feel so old not to mention 100 pounds heavier. I would brake more then my wrists!
This is sooo funny, it made me think of while we were at Mesquite & you just started doing hand stands out of nowhere. Very impressive.
Loved this post!! The funny things your kids say/do crack me up.... I especially loved the shower story. I could tell you a funny one, too, but it's even more "blog unappropriate"....hee hee I loved the picture of you, Kassie, and Cyndy. You guys all look great. I would be so happy if Cyndy just adopted me. :o) She is the best. Hey....I liked your last post, too. I need to go get some moles checked. We were talking about it the other night, after I read your post....and my son went upstairs and counted all of his. It's like you did your very own PSA. As for the zit comment....I've never noticed any zits on your face. The thing everyone always says about you is how gorgeous you THERE. :o)
I love reading about what kids say and your boys are stinkin' funny. I wanted to work at Harmons when I was little... ha ha.
Your mole thing got me all worried and now I'm thinking about all the ones Tyler tells me look abnormal... time to schedule an appointment. Glad your zits saved your life :)
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