Sunday, May 31, 2009


We went with our friends Nick and Mignon to the sand dunes over the weekend. It was actually really fun. We rented an RV and all drove together. My brother let us borrow his 4 wheelers (thank you Matt and Michele.) The kids had a blast!

The kids looking out the window as we were getting to the sand dunes. They were so excited!
There were a group of people we met up with when we got there. One of them had a daughter who was so cute and drove the kids around for hours and hours in their Rhino.

The kids woke up at 5:30 AM and were ready to ride 4 wheelers. We had a hard time getting them to eat breakfast and wait until more people were awake.
Once again Courtney took care of our kids. I really should have snuck her home.I love Boston's smile in this picture, he was loving it!
Doing what I do best:) chatting with my Diet Coke.
We drove to this Ice Cave. It was CRAZY!
The boys wanted to explore with Gentry.
But I'm a little bit of a scared wimp, and so me and Alyssa went to the truck to wait. I was glad she wasn't a fan of being in the cave. It was fun to look at more from a distance.
These are some most of the kids from our group...some of them didn't come to the ice cave.
I have to add, that I had a great time...although here are a couple reasons why camping it hard.

-Showers are not so easy
-Everything gets dirty
-I just don't like the shoes...I'm sorry but they are NOT flattering on anyone...and especially not me.
I thought this was a pretty cute pic of Boston and Alyssa. They fell asleep really early after a long day of playing.

And last but not least...on our car ride home....we took this video. If you know Gentry you know that he is always looking for some kind of prank to play on someone. Well this time Nick was the victim. Sorry Nick, but it was pretty dang funny I must admit. Gentry always teases him that when he gets scared he covers his ears...well this proves his point...although in Nick's defense he said "What would you do if you hear a bunch of people screaming.?" The kids LOVED being in on the prank. It was lots funnier if you were there:)


Clements Family said...

Oh my gosh...that sounds so much fun! What fun friends you have! the shirt!

Al and Suzie McInnes said...

What a fun time had by all. Glad you all came home safe and sound. Love the kids smiles.

The Lind's said...

I am not a fan of camping for all the same reasons...but that looks like so much fun! Cute pictures...and you look great in the shoes! :)

Nielson Family said...

"Princess Betsy" actually went camping and liked it...I'm impressed! Camping is pretty fun if you have a nice trailer to sleep in at night. Your kids are going to want you to take them again.

AngiDe said...

What a fun trip! I've never been to the sand dunes... but I hear its a great place to camp!


carrie said...

You guys are so cute! I am not a camper, either. I agree with your friends.... It's fun if you have a trailer to sleep in. :o) I am too much of a whimp. ha ha It looks like you had fun though! I always love your pictures.

carrie said...

P.S. I love your shirt, too!

Bonino Family said...
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Bonino Family said...

Where do you find such cool friends? They seem like a blast:)