I wanted to tell a couple things about them and why they are so special to me.
My mom raised me telling me that if I watched too much TV my brain would turn to mush. It always drove me nuts when I wanted to watch another episode of Full House. I remember her cutting the cords to our new TV when we were little, because we wouldn't turn off the Saturday cartoons. Luckily my dad was out of town and she got it fixed before he got home. (We are all still wondering how she didn't get shocked cutting electrical cords.)....Now 20 years later I'm saying the same thing to my kids. "TURN OFF THE TV, or your brain will turn to mush!"
My mom always took wheat bread to anyone who was sick, sad or just needed a visit. She would swear it was a "cure all" bread. Guess who thinks wheat bread cures everything....yep I do. I make it every week.
I also think I inherited a little ADHD from my mom. (I think that's the only way she ever got things done while raising 7 kids.)
One of her most repeated sayings was: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." It's funny how much happier you are if you follow that little rule.
My mom is one of the nicest people in the world. She is probably one of the most genuine people you will ever meet. (You just have to get her to sit still for more than 5 minutes to find out...but getting her to sit still for 5 minutes is hard to do!) She is probably the most innocent next to my sister Jennifer:) My mom still thinks the "F" word is F A R T.
Cyndy has been a mom to me since I was about 13. When I started hanging out with Gentry. She was so much fun. I remember when I married Gentry my mom was so excited that I married someone with a fun young mom. And she has been just that. She is super stylish and I find myself sneaking stuff out of her closet.
My kids love to hang out with her because she is so much fun and she lets them get away with murder. I joke that I have to de-grandmatize the kids after they've been with her because leaving her is like leaving a fun vacation.
When I was in highschool I went with my friend and we pierced our belly buttons. (We were planning on taking it out after a few days, but it was something rebellious for us to try.) Gentry FREAKED out and broke up with me because he did not want to date a girl with belly button ring. I remember talking to Cyndy and telling her Gentry's response. She told me NOT to take it out and if I did he would think he could control me the rest of my life. I still laugh when I think of that story. She was always on my side, and I loved her the minute I met her.
If I'm ever feeling guilty about buying a pair of pants that cost too much or a pair of shoes I didn't really need I always call Cyndy and she tells me that I NEEDED it. Then I feel much less guilty about it. She is always so fun to shop with.
Cyndy has taught me how to cook several meals that Gentry loves, and they've turned into some of my favorite recipes too.
To all the other great Mom's in this world HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!
You made me cry. Thank you for saying such nice things. Hope I can live up to them. Lots of Love, Mom
My Sweet Daughter In Law!! What a sweet surprise. That was the greatest mothers day gift ever. You know how much I love you and your kids and of course my little boy Gentry. Thanks to both of you for always helping out and sharing your kids. My grandkids make my life so happy. And I am glad I am so close to you and your family. I love you all so much!! Happy Mothers Day to you too. Much love to one of the best moms I know.
Love ya, Cyndy
P.S. I forgot the story about Gentry and the belly ring. I mean I remember the whole drama but not that story. So Funny, glad you two made it. Gentry made a great choice. I love you like you are my own daughter and I love all the fun we have together. And how we make each other feel Ok about spending money on clothes or a couch!! Glad you talked me into it and the paint color I love. Can't say enough about how much you mean to me. Have a great day.
Love your other mom:)
You do have great Moms! I know they really appreciate that post. I think I'm getting lazy with my blog. All I ever want to do is post a picture with a couple of sentences. Happy Mothers Day to you too. I've learned a lot from you and find myself trying to use your "distraction techniques" but I can't really pull it off.
That was a great post Bets! I may be a lot like mom, however, I do know that the F word is not FART. But to this day I can't say that word (I had a hard time just typing it :) Thats why I always just say treefrog and people have no idea what I'm talking about, except our family and friends that have now caught on.
That was such a cute post to read. You do have great moms. I hope you had a great day!!
I loved your post. I read it yesterday...and I'm such a boob, I started to cry. I had to email Cyndy and tell her touched I was by what you had written about her and your mom. You are SO lucky to have TWO great moms in your life...and they're lucky to have you, too. I loved the stories...and I thought they were so touching. You could tell the post came straight from your heart. I hope YOU had a fabulous Mother's Day. I'm sure you did...and that your cute husband spoiled you rotten. Have a great week! :o)
I loved the post, that was so thoughtful of you. You do have great Mom's. I have always been so impressed with both your Moms. They make you feel welcome and like a friend immediately, plus Cindy took my kids on how many rides at Disneyland. Anyway, I loved it, hope you had a great Mothers Day! You are a wonderful Mom and Friend.
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