We took the kids to Gentry's grandma's house today. (Gentry's dad's mom) We let them go to the little lake by her house and feed the ducks. When we got back she fed us some yummy strawberry short cake and the kids said she was a nice grandma. They kept calling her a great great great grandma. Lots of greats.
While we were feeding the ducks Cyndy was throwing bread at Brock's head. He turned around and got mad at Alyssa, and I told him it was Grandma Cyndy...next thing I knew...it was a bread war! They had a good time.
Here are a few more pics from the visit.
Leave it to me to wear stupid stilettos...what was I thinking? The heels were sinking every step I took. (Very inconvenient:)
Gentry's dad pointed out this feather and Brock thought it was awesome. For those of you who know what a germ freak I am, YES I about had a panic attack.
I love this picture because it was right after Brock discovered it was Grandma who was throwing bread at his head. Let the war begin!:)
Jett would have loved the feather too. I love your outfit! See, I need you to wear something first so I can copy you.
Those pictures of your boys are super cute!!!
And I love your outfit too! Good choice on the stilletos ;)
Betsy, Love the pictures. All of them are so darn cute. Thanks, Mom
What a fun day that was. Great Grandma sure enjoyed visiting with the kids. The bread fight was fun and you forgot to mention that Boston found deer poop and picked it up. LOL. So you had a bad day with the
Germs today. And thanks to Gentry for putting in a new phone line for Grandma so she can answer the phone easier. We called her when we got home and it works great! Thanks so much again. We will have to plan another trip next month.
Sounds like a fun visit! Great grandmas are great aren't they?? I agree with Adrienne- cute outfit!!
I love all of those pictures! And I agree with Adrienne... I need you to wear something first so I can copy you too! :) Sorry Bets, I wish I was better, but I'm just not, I always need your help!
Good job on the pictures...they look fabulous. Can you please take me shopping and help me out with some new clothes???
Cute pictures! How fun to go see great grandma! When I saw the picture of the feather, my first thought was the germs...how funny I was laughing when I read it! Oh and I have to add I too love your outfit but seriously you always wear the cutest outfits. and you are gorgeous no matter what your outfit is!
Oh and your poor little guy! Good thing that spungee thing didn't get his eye! :) Hope his mouth is healing quickly!
OK...Those are the cutest pictures ever. I love them. Like everyone else has said, you look adorable. I love your outfit, too...as always. :o) Again, I've never seen a BAD picture of you. Your kids are just gorgeous. I love the last picture... He looks like he's got something fun planned for Grandma Cyndy! ;o) Your kids are lucky to have such a fun family. They'll have the best memories when they're older. You guys are awesome to go spend time with and help Gentry's Grandma. I would love it if my Grandma and Granpa were still alive...for my kids to be around them and get to know them. I miss them everyday. I'm sure your visit meant the world to her. :o)
I know what you mean about the "feather germs"--Kyler is always finding feathers and it freaks me out. I love yours, Gentrys and Alyssa's matching outfits--so cute!!
Betsy! Those are darling pictures. I cant wait to not be fat anymore so I can take cute pictures with my family! You are a cute mom, even in the mud with stilleto's on! What a trooper you are! Those picts are awesome, I love the coloring print of them. super cute!
Yeah for big pictures! i really could have helped you hope it wasn't too hard.
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