Sunday, October 2, 2011


I love that my parents plant pumpkins every kids can't wait to go pick them. 

This morning my kids woke up at 6:30, got dressed cleaned their rooms and brushed their teeth.  (I told them the night before we couldn't decorate until everyone's rooms were clean.)  So they were ready to decorate. My kids love holiday decorations.  Then it was hard for them to wait ALL DAY until it was time for picking pumpkins.

The kids are finally getting old enough they can carry their own pumpkins....well for the most part at least.

 Brock and Gentry discussing which pumpkin to pick.

 It's heavy...but I got it!

 Boston was sad that his was a little heavier than he expected.
 So thank goodness Dad got it for him.
 And Boston was content with the "smaller" pumpkins.

 Alyssa, Grandpa Al, and Brock
 Alyssa doing the zip line.  Dang that girl is tall!
 The boys!
 The family
At home with all of their pumpkins and decorations.  They couldn't be any happier.  I made them wait until today to wear their Halloween clothes.

1 comment:

S said...

Your pictures came out cute. It was a fun day watching the grandchildren pick their pumpkins and then conference was so good too.