Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Carving/Decorating

Every year we go to Gentry's parents house to carve pumpkins.  This year we got even more crafty and painted and decorated too.  The kids were so excited to do their pumpkins.  They get to take them to school to enter into a pumpkin contest. 

 Boston drew a sketch of what he wanted his pumpkin to look like.  It cracked me up he was so opinionated about everything.
 We did the carving/decorating in the basement at their house.  It was really nice cause it was FREEZING outside.
 Brock wanted to make his Frankenstein.
 Boston was so proud of his witch.
 Alyssa made a princess pumpkin.

 We had rootbeer floats and cookies for dessert!



Cyndy Mikesell said...

So much fun!! They all turned out great!! Thanks for making our night!! Love you guys!!

S said...

Loved all the pumpkins, good job Alyssa, Boston and Brock.

Clements Family said...

Those pumpkins turned out great! Your kids are so creative!!!