Today while driving in the car:
Alyssa: Mom, I can spell Mississippi...M-I-SS-I-SS-I-PP-I
Before I get a chance to say anything, I hear this:
Brock:I pee pee, I wiener, I pee pee.
Why is it that boys can make anything gross...or off color???? They LOVE potty words. (He gets it from his Dad.) Wow I just threw Gentry under the bus:) I love my boys!
What is it with potty words and why do kids think it's so funny? My kids would have thought that was hilarious.
haa haa haa!! that is too funny!!! Boys are the best!
Haha!!! Your boys always make me laugh! Love you guys!
hahahahahha that was awesome! Mccoy is the same way, must be a boy thing :) McCoy's new thing is, "knock on the door and oooop, there's poop!" he always says that! what is it? hahaha
Oh Kade love's potty words! He thinks they are so hilarious. BOYS!
Oh Betsy.... My boys would love your boys. They would have SO MUCH to talk about. ;o)
Love it! So funny!
You gotta love those boys... so entertaining.
What a cute little kid. Gotta love boys!! They are all the same and will never change! Cute story! I am glad Alyssa can spell so well:).
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